Chapter Thirty-One: Knockturn Alley

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Later on in the day, just after lunch we were preparing to leave for Diagon Alley. The group of us were all wearing our school robes around our shoulders as Mrs Weasley was picking up a pot from the mantle, holding it toward Harry first.

"You first, Harry dear," She offered him the flower pot. Inside was a bunch of very soft dust. Harry and I both frowned at it in confusion.

"But Harry and Natalie haven't ever travelled by floo powder before, mum." Ron protested.

I quirked a brow at the Weasley, "Floo powder?"

"Oh-" Mrs Weasley stood up, her face lighting up with realisation, "Well, you go first then, Ron. So they can see how it's done." She nodded as her youngest son walked up and grabbed a fistfull of the powder from the pot, "Yes, in you go. That's it."

"Diagon Alley," Ron punctuated, shouting as he threw the dust into the floor. In seconds a torrent of green flames burst around him and enveloped him, whisking him away. Both Harry and I jumped when he vanished into thin air.

"You see?" Mrs Weasley noted, "It's quite easy, dear. Don't be afraid."

Harry still seemed hesitant as he climbed into the fireplace as Mrs Weasley continued to ramble, "Come on, come on, that's it. Mind your head. That's right." She held up the pot toward him and he stuck his hand in, grasping a handful, "Now, take your Floo powder. That's it, very good. Now, don't forget to speak very clearly."

"Wait-" Harry stopped, glancing toward me, "Can, Natie come with me?"

I froze, my spine locking as my stomach flipped. I didn't quite like how this worked, being swept up in green flames to travel? It sounded horrifying.

"Oh, sure, dear." Mrs Weasley beckoned me up to the fireplace, "Come along, Natalie darling."

I sighed and reached into the pot, until she waved me off, "No, dear, your brother's already got enough for your trip."

"Oh, o-okay." I agreed, moving to squeeze next to him.

Harry's free hand gripped mine and he inhaled deeply, squeezing the hand full of powder in front of us as he prepared.
"Don't forget, speak clearly," Mrs Weasley reminded, "Why don't both of you say it together, hm?"

We nodded rapidly and then chorused, "Diagonalley..." As fast as we could, unfortunately the words were garbled and all mussed as Harry threw down the powder and the emerald fire roared to life.

We vanished and I screamed fearfully as we were whisked away in a whirlwind of fire. It felt like we were being spun around in a vortex, or a tornado as we left the Burrow behind.

Mrs Weasley frowned at the fireplace as soon as we were gone, "What did they say, dear?"

"Diagonalley..." Mr Weasley replied, his lips pursed.

"I thought they did," Mrs Weasley nodded in agreement.


Somewhere along the way, Harry and I landed, violently. We slid from a fireplace and onto a dark wooden floor. Harry grunted as he smacked face-first into the ground, his glasses breaking with a sickening crunch.

I got up, staggering to my feet as I gasped, trying to regain the breath that had been harshly knocked from my chest at the impact.

"Harry," I called, reaching down to him, holding out my hand to help him up after I dusted off the soot from my denims and tank.

I heaved my brother onto his feet as he coughed, pulling air back into his lungs just as I had before. When we both were up, we looked around and my breath hitched in my throat. This place was eerily familiar. The dark parlour, the strange objects and items covering the walls and floor.

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