Chapter Twenty-One: Dragons!

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It was a snowy day, I shivered, wrapping my cloak further around myself as I nuzzled my face deeper into my mustard and crimson Gryffindor scarf. Harry and I were out in the courtyard with our friends, just hanging out in the snow.

The two of us had decided to give our owls a flying break while our friends spent their free period having a snowball fight and making snow angels. On my arm Signy cooed brightly as she nuzzled her soft head into my rosy, chilled cheek.

Hedwig cooed as well as Harry lifted his arm for her to soar off into the sky. I did the same and in seconds, Signy took off, letting out a hoo of delight. Hedwig flew after her as well, chasing the cheerful barn owl playfully.

Harry and I watched happily as our owls played in the snow above us. Until I shrieked, feeling an impact on the back of my head and a sudden chill of snow slipping down the back of my cloak and into my shirt.

Dahlia cackled maniacally as Elena grinned sheepishly and Ron shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Snowball fight!"

Chaos ensued as the group of us split up into teams. Neville and Poppy ducked behind one of the archways across the courtyard, hiding from the sudden onslaught of frozen balls. Maggie was giggling like mad as she and Seamus threw their icy spheres at each other.

Hermione was shrieking as she tried to shield both herself and the book she had been attempting to read. Elena and Dahlia were the harbingers of all of the chaos ensuing around us, the two of them having the time of their lives as they pelted each other and the rest of us with snowballs.

Harry snorted as he planted a ball of snow directly on my face, watching my face morph into one of shock.

At the end of the battle, we were all left trekking snow and mud inside the castle, soaking wet and freezing, but grinning like mad and laughing like idiots. We'd all missed each other greatly, and it seemed even as the second semester began and was picking up hectic steam, nothing could go wrong.

Even Draco Malfoy couldn't sour my mood. Which seemed to bother him greatly as he and his friends gaped at the lot of us as we walked into the warm great hall for dinner.


"This sucks!" I cried with a groan, smacking my forehead onto the oak table in the Great hall, "This is awful. Why are we doing this? Why do we have to do this..."

Sprint had sprung. And with it, exam season.

Harry and Ron looked at me, pulling their attention away from their game of cards. Hermione looked up from her study material, and the rest of our friends covered their mouths to stifle their amused laughter.

"It's not that bad, Natie." Elena sympathised, "It's only studying."

"Yeah," I groaned, "But studying sucks. Testing sucks. Everything sucks."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Well, if you don't study, you'll probably end up like those two knobheads and their card games." She jerked her thumb toward my brother and Ron, who gaped at her, both of their amused faces melting into ones of offence.

"Wow, that was hurtful, Mione." my brother pretended to be hurt, clutching a hand to his flannel-clad chest.

"Pathetic," She snapped again, snapping her book shut, "We've got finals coming up, and all you two have been doing is playing games."
Ron scoffed, "I'm ready. Ask me any question."

I grinned, straightening up, "Oh yeah?" I then looked at Hermione, nodding encouragingly, "Knock 'em down, Hermione."

She smiled, placing her book down neatly, getting ready to absolutely destroy the two boys, "Alright, what are the three most crucial ingredients in a Forgetfulness potion."

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