Chapter Twenty-Three: Up to Something

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Later that evening, Harry, Ron, Hermione and I were all in our pyjamas and lounging in the Common room. We were conversing on everything that had happened in the Dark Forest. It had taken me a second to process everything that had occurred, but on the walk back to the castle, I'd realised what Malfoy had done.

Oddly enough, he hadn't turned tail and ran the second that creature had started making its way for me. In fact, instead he'd made sure to grab my arm and start to pull me in the opposite direction before the thing even had the chance to see us.

Which in of itself was strange. But on top of that. He'd called for help, he didn't even run and call for help, he stayed there and took out his wand and called for help.

I shook off the strange thought as soon as it came on, opting to pay better attention to my brother and our two friends as they deliberated.

"You mean to say that you-know-who's out there, right now, in the forest?" Hermione was saying, raising a brow at Harry as she crouched on the opposite side of the couch, a pillow clutched to her stomach.

"But he's weak," I clarified before Harry could make another statement, "He's only living off of the unicorns...don't you see. I think we've had this all wrong."

Harry cut in after me, "She's right, I don't think Snape wants the stone for himself, he wants the stone for Voldemort."

"So with the Elixir of life, Voldemort will be strong again," I added on, gesturing to emphasise my point, "He'll...he'll come back. Maybe for good."

"But if he comes back..." Ron gulped, looking between the two of us worriedly, "you don't think he'll try and kill you you?"

"He had the chance tonight." I remarked, "And it was a bloody close one."

Harry nodded, "If it weren't for you Ron-"

"And shockingly, Malfoy." I added, bitterly, the three of them shot me looks of shock, as if they couldn't believe the words that had just left my mouth.

I paused, glancing between them, "What- he called for help, and only then did you two get there. And if you didn't, who knows, maybe I'd be dead."

"Anyway," Harry continued, glancing at me, his brows furrowed, "Natie's right. If he'd had a good enough chance tonight, he definitely would have tried."

Ron gulped again, his blue eyes wide, "And to think...I've been worried about my Potion's final."

"Hang on just a minute," Hermoine raised her hand up, "We're forgetting one thing, here. Who's the one wizard Voldemort always feared?" She looked around at us, as though she was waiting for an answer, but all of us just stared at her blankly, "Ugh, its Dumbledore. So, as long as Dumbledore is around, you two are safe. As long as Dumbledore is around, you can't be touched."

She gave us a reassuring smile. But I still had a bad feeling growing deep in my stomach. Things were unravelling quickly. Hogwarts was beginning to feel just a little more dangerous than it had last semester. Something was brewing on the horizon. And I knew it was heading for us.

"Now," She sighed, moving the pillow from her lap as she stood up with a stretch, "Exams start tomorrow, I suggest we all go to bed. We've had quite the eventful evening."

I pursed my lips, standing up as well, "You're right, Mione. G'night Has, night Ron." I waved to the two boys, following my bushy-haired roommate toward the Girl's dorms.

"Night boys," She called behind herself as she rounded the corner.

"Night Mione, night Natie," They chorused back as we vanished up the stairs.

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