Chapter Two: Letters from no one

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We arrived back at the house and Aunt Petunia began herding a shivering, dishevelled Dudley inside.

"It's alright, sweetheart..." She eased him as she held him close and wrapped him in a towel, "It's alright."

Harry and I hesitantly exited the car and began to walk inside. I was growing nervous as Uncle Vernon followed behind us, his face turning a few shades redder. I knew he was furious, the only thing that worried me was exactly how he was going to act on his anger.

But that was quickly answered when we made it into the foyer. Uncle Vernon shoved Harry and I against the wall, both of his hands making fists of our hair. I let out a pained noise as I sunk into myself fearfully.

"Ow!" Harry groaned, his eyes screwing shut at the stinging in his scalp. I whimpered as I clutched my Uncle's wrist as it tangled in my fiery locks.

"What happened!" He demanded, spit flying from his mouth as he roared at us.

My brother quickly fired back, "I swear, we don't know!"

"O-one minute the glass was there and then it was gone!" I cried, sniffing as tears stung my vision, "I-It was like magic!" Uncle Vernon snarled at my insinuation and released our heads. He scoffed as he grasped us both by our collars and borderline threw our scrawny forms into the cupboard under the stairs.

He slammed the door shut behind us and I flinched, caressing my head as Harry clung to me.

"There is no such thing as magic" Uncle Vernon growled as he slammed the vent on our door shut, leaving us in complete darkness. My tears finally fell and I began quietly crying to myself, drawing my knees closer to my chest.

My brother sighed and immediately made to comfort me, wrapping his arms around my small shoulders. I clutched my mother's necklace and tucked my face deeper into Harry's neck.

It was always like this, we only ever had each other.

But unbeknownst to us. Outside of the house an owl landed on the roof next to the TV aerial on the house across the street. Its yellow eyes peered inside the window of the living room as it cooed to itself.


A day later, Dudley was standing in the family room, dressed in his 'finest' school uniform yet. He was posing for his mother as she snapped picture after picture, crooning adoringly to herself as her son smiled broadly at her flashing camera.

"Awe, smile!" She chirped as she took yet another photograph, gasping joyfully, "Vernon, just look at him! Oh, I can't believe it... in just a week you'll be off to Smeltings."

Uncle Vernon approached, slinging a meaty arm around his wife's bony shoulders, "Caveat Smeltona." He nodded proudly, "Proudest moment of my life."

Harry glanced at Dudley with disgust and then wondered, to my dismay, aloud, "Will we have to wear that too?"

All three of the Durselys looked at Harry and I in disbelief. Aunt Petunia was the first to speak, sneering at the both of us.

"What, you?" She scoffed, turning her nose up, "Go to Smeltings?" My brother nodded questioningly, albeit hesitantly.

"Ha!" Uncle Vernon snorted in amusement, and the rest of them burst into laughter as well. I gritted my teeth in irritation as I continued wiping down the dining table.

Aunt Petunia shook her head, "Oh don't be so stupid. You're going to the State School, where you belong." She decided, waltzing into the kitchen. She fished out a grey shirt and long pleated skirt from the boiler on the stove.

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