Chapter Twenty-Four: Through the Trapdoor

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Night came quickly as the four of us spent the rest of our day preparing. Dinner went by like a flash, and the four of us raced from the Great Hall and back to the Tower, leaving our very confused friends behind.

Hermione and I were preparing to meet Ron and Harry down in the common room, tugging on regular clothes that we could get around in. I pulled on a pair of old, distressed, baggy denims and a green striped shirt with two buttons at the top. I tugged on my sneakers as Hermione waited next to the door for me.

"Come on," She begged me, rolling her eyes, "Hurry up."

But the two of us froze when Dahlia, Lavender and Elena pulled the door open and walked inside.

Dahlia frowned as she looked between Hermione and I, clothed in our everyday attire, standing ready at the door.

"Where are you two heading?" She looked us up and down, "It's past curfew."

I regarded her with narrowed eyes, "Where are you coming from, it's past curfew." I crossed my arms over my chest right as she did as well. Sniffing with distaste, Dahlia brushed past me and Hermione, rolling her eyes. Elena flashed us an apologetic look, but said nothing.

"If you cost us any more house points," Dahlia called as the two of us started to walk out, "Well...let's just say I'll be requesting a dorm change for next term."

I scoffed, "Well, I'll be sure to recommend you a nice one after we're done saving everything."

The three girls perked up in shock, but Hermione and I had already left, slamming the door behind us, leaving them by themselves.

"What the bloody hell did she mean by that?" Dahlia questioned and Elena and Lavender only shrugged.


Downstairs, Harry and Ron were waiting for us.

We met them at the base of the stairs coming down from the dorms. They observed the two of us, slipping our wands into our pockets, slowly shaking their heads.

"What?" I snarked, with a slight snort, "What's with the head shaking?"

"You're five minutes late." Ron remarked back, pointing his wand to the imaginary watch that rested on his left wrist.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Well it would've been nice to know our roommates were coming up, so maybe we wouldn't get stuck in an awkward situation...again." She glanced at me, obviously alluding to the argument between me and Dolly before exams last night.

I cringed, giving her a sheepish smile.

"Whatever," Ron shrugged, "Let's just go."

"Ron's right." Harry agreed, "If we want to stop Snape, we've got to get a move on."

The four of us started to leave the common room, trekking across the floor, peering out for any upperclassmen that might be awake or coming back from, maybe a secret party, or other events.

However, it was a shrill squeaking noise that stopped us instead.

All of us turned around slowly to see a small toad hopping toward us. Hermione paused and tilted her head at it.

"Trevor?" She mused.

Ron grimaced, "Trevor...shh! You're not supposed to be here!" He hissed.

"Neither are you," Neville's voice came from a shadow behind a large arm chair toward the exit to the tower, "You all are sneaking out again, aren't you?"

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