Chapter Twelve: Feasts and Friends

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Later enough, when the rest of the first years were sorted into their houses. All of us were chattering along without a care in the world. I was locked in an in depth conversation with Elena, Dahlia and Hermione; surprisingly enough, on the concepts of magic we'd be studying this year.

Until we were interrupted by the harsh ringing of a metal spoon on glass.

"Your attention, please." The stern looking professor that sorted us called out as Dumbledore stood from his seat.

He raised his hands, smiling softly as he announced, "Let the feast begin!"

I grinned with anticipation as Elena almost began to shake with excitement next to me.

"Oh, my older brother always told me when he'd come home that the feast was the best part of the whole year." She rambled as we turned back to the table.

I was shocked to find plates and plates of delicious food simply appearing out of thin air. Gasps and exclamations of awe from the newer students rang out from across the hall as the older students simply began to eat.

It took my brother and I a moment to register what was happening as neither of us had ever even seen a feast this large. One plate of food nearly surmoused an entire week's worth of meals for the two of us back at the Dursleys.

We looked up, locking eyes as we both breathed out, "Wow." In pure astonishment.

Ron was already stuffing his face by the time Harry and I had even figured out what it was we wanted on our plates. Dahlia was gushing over how delightful everything was, and how her older brother Rhun was right about everything.

A few people down, another boy we'd been introduced to was explaining his heritage.

"I'm half 'n half." He spoke through a mouthful of mashed potatoes, "Me dad's a muggle...mam's a witch. Bit o' a nasty shock for 'im when he found out." He shrugged, going right back to digging into a turkey leg that rested on his plate.

Neville laughed as my brother leaned to talk to Ron's eldest brother next to him.

His voice drifted into my ears, but I knew it wasn't anything he was saying aloud. He only wanted me to know what he was thinking.

"I'm asking Percy who that man at the table is. The one that was staring at us."

I nodded slowly, sending back my own thought, "Alright, Has."

I looked up right as Harry was asking the question, "Say, Percy, who's that teacher sitting next to Professor Quirrell?"

"Oh, that's Professor Snape, head of Slytherin House." He noted, nodding slightly.

"What's he teach?" I butted in, swallowing a bite of my food.

"Potions." Elena finished as Percy nodded, "My brother's had some not so nice things to say 'bout him."

Percy waved her off, "That's only because Rhun's absolute rubbish at potions. Besides, everyone knows it's really the Dark Arts he fancies. He's been after Quirrell's job for years."

I hummed slightly, taking a side glance at the greasy haired man from our table. He and Quirrell seemed to be locked in a heedy conversation as they picked at their plates.

Ron had just finished a chicken wing and was going back for another on the platter in the middle of the table when suddenly, the head of a man popped through the plate. I flinched, shrieking in surprise as Ron let out a startled yell and sat back down promptly.

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