Chapter Thirty Six: Howlers and Mandrakes

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The next day, the Second-year students in both Gryffindor and Slytherin were in the Greenhouses for Herbology class. Professor Sprout, the Herbology professor entered to the rather loud chatter filling the space.

"Morning everyone!" She called, then realised no one was paying attention, so she tapped her wand vigorously on the stand nearby, "Good morning, everyone!"

All of us responded, "Good morning, Professor Sprout!"

The professor smiled softly and began by introducing us to the greenhouse, "Welcome to Greenhouse Three, second-years. Now, gather around everyone. Today, we are going to be repotting Mandrakes. Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?" She looked around at the gathered students, and beside me, surprisingly Elena's hand shot straight up, just seconds before Hermione's.

"Yes, Miss Cresswell?" It seemed all of our other classmates were surprised as well that someone other than Hermione Granger was the first to answer a question. Soft mutters and whispers flickered through our fellow classmates as Elena began to gush, hardly containing her excitement.

"Mandrakes, or also known as Mandragora, is used most commonly to return those who have been petrified back into their original state," The curly-haired blonde quoted, as if the knowledge came naturally to her, "However, they are also known to be quite dangerous. As the cry of an adult Mandrake is fatal to anyone that hears it."

"Excellent," Professor Sprout also seemed to be impressed, "Ten points to Gryffindor. Now, as our Mandrakes are still only seedlings, their cries won't kill you...yet. But they could knock you out for several hours."

I flinched, eyeing the bushy plant resting in the pot before me rather warily as Sprout continued her instruction.

"Which is why I've given each of you a pair of earmuffs for auditory protection," She gestured to the black earmuffs resting at our stations, "So, if you'd please put them on right away."

Everyone did as told, placing the earmuffs over our ears. Across from me, Malfoy was scowling greatly as he stared down at the pot, likely thinking this entire lesson was a waste of time. On the other hand, beside me, Lena was absolutely beaming with joy as she merrily tapped her earmuffs down, making sure they were tight enough.

"Quickly now, flaps tight down," Sprout continued to chide. I patted at my muffled ears, making sure the flaps were down tightly enough.

I caught sight of Nott on the Slytherin end of the table staring with wide eyes at Elena as she marveled at the plant in her pot, examining the leaves. Her admiration was understandable, as her mother was head of the Alchemy department at the Ministry. She'd gushed about it for hours one night last year, showing me all of her crystals and insence and other items. She was incredibly passionate about all things to do with Alchemy, like her mother. It seemed Nott was incredibly passionate about watching her. I snickered.

Lena didn't notice the Slytherin boy's absolutely doe-eyed stare trained on her as Sprout resumed her lecture.

"Now, you will grasp your Mandrake firmly, pull it sharply out of the pot." She yanked her own plant upwards, revealing a hideous root that resembled an monstrous, screaming infant.

I cringed, grimacing at the look of it, the rest of the students had varying expressions of similar reactions. Malfoy's seemed to perfectly mirror my own.

"Got it?" Sprout moved along, "Then you dunk it down into the other pot and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep him warm."

A loud thunk stole our attention and I whipped my head toward the source and found Neville slumped backward on the floor. Seamus was gaping at him from his own station.

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