Tough love; Chapter one- Friends

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[Tough love; Chapter one- Friends]


Going back to school is something most kids would despise. They hate summer ending. Well for me, it's a completely different story.

School Is where I get to talk to all of my friends. And where I get to stare at my crush; Hunter Owens. He has the most amazing brown hair anyone could ever imagine. Then he has these bright green eyes.

But he doesn't even know I exist. I've had a crush on him since eighth grade. So there was this formal dance we had to go to, and my best friend, Emma Davison, forced me into this bright blue dress and made me go. When we got there, she ran off with her boyfriend.

Anyway, I was walking around and I ran into Hunter. I spilt bright red punch all over his white dress shirt. I was so embarrassed. But he just smiled that smile that wins over all the girls and told me it was no big deal. Later that night, after he had cleaned it all off, he asked me to dance and BAM, I fell in love.

But that was the first, and last time he's talked to me since. And we're Juniors, in high school.

But yea, I can't even walk up to him and get three words out without failing miserably and walking away. Besides, he's always surrounded my the popular girls and guys. They fawn over him like a child over ice cream. So it's hard to even approach him. Especially if your like me and below the radar.

Oh, I'm Alexandria by the way. Sorry about all the rambling I have been doing. I just like to talk. Im one of those types of people I guess. But anyhow, I'm sixteen, black hair, blue eyes, and I'm pretty much a loser at my school.

Well, me and Emma, who I've already named as my best friend. Yea, Shes awesome. She has light brown hair and dark brown eyes. Mine and her personalities are polar opposites. But I guess that's what makes us the perfect pair. Like two peas in a pod.

She is great with guys, I'm not. She does horrible in school, I do great. (Straight A's. Woo, Hoo!) She is pretty hot and me.... not so much. She lives in the middle of nowhere and I live I a rich neighbour hood. Well, now I do. Our family recently moved, but not far enough to where I had to switch schools. Thank god.

We had just moved in yesterday and today, is the first day back to school.

I'm hoping this year will turn out differently than sitting at the back of the class while staring at Hunters head. Or being that perfect student that people pick on because Im smart. Im hoping to change all of it.

I walk through the doors and try to find Emma. She said she was introducing me to her new boyfriend. Something about love at first sight. Don't worry, I'm used to this. She skips around from boyfriend to boyfriend sighing weeks.

After around five minutes of waiting, I finally saw her brown messy hair on top of her head that gave away it was her. I smiled and waved to her and she did the same. She drug in a tall but not to tall boy with hair dark brown and eyes the colour of Emma's. He was smiled sheepishly as Emma dragged him over to me.

Once they finally reached us, Emma introduced us. "Alex, this is who I was talking about. This is Liam. Liam this is Alexandria. But we call her Alex for short." Liam held out his hand and I shook it, nodding slightly. "Nice to me you, Alex. Emma talks about you all the time. Im glad I could finally enrol here."

I smiled. "Yea, I've honestly only hear about you once," Liam looked at Emma and she only smiled and shrugged. I chuckled. "Why haven't you came here before?" I asked, curious to know. He shrugged and wrapped an arm around Emma's shoulders. "Didn't have a reason to until now."

I smiled and nodded. "Well, I got to get to class. See you guys later." I said, turning around. Emma came up beside me. "Wait, what classes do you have?"

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