Tough love- Chapter Five; No show

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[Tough love- Chapter five; No show.]


I'm currently waiting outside for Ryder to come and pick me up. I've been waiting for half an hour for him to come pick me up.

After waiting around five more minutes, I get a text. I hurriedly flip my phone open and read it.

Ryder; Sorry sis. I can't make it. I asked Austin to pick u up and take u to the fight. My car broke and I have to push it all the way to the auto repair. I'll be home around ten. Love u! XD

I was practically slamming my fingers into my phone as I typed a reply.

Alex; Really?! You tell me forty minutes after I started waiting?! Little to late, big bro. Thanks.

I quickly hit send and he replied almost instantly.

Ryder; Sorry! I'll let you drive my car again if you accept my apology.

I just shoved my phone into my pocket. I sighed and rubbed my face with my hands. He waits this long to tell me? Nice Ryder. Real nice.

"Late notice?"

I turned around and saw the blonde boy I was now riding with staring right there. Hands in his pockets and slim smile tugging his lips. His hair is in a mess as usual. "Forty minutes late." He chuckled and walked up beside me. "Yep. Thats Ryder for ya. So, the right doesn't start for another twenty minutes, want to grab something to eat?"

I thought about it a minute. I wasn't really hungry. But I wasn't really full either. I shrugged. "Why not?" He smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Thats my Alee." I rolled my eyes. "If I'm Alee..... then you can be Austy."

He chuckled and starting leading us towards wherever his car was. "Alright."

We beard his car. It wasn't a race car. But it sure was one good looking Nissan Skyline. Damn, do all these boys have amazing cars? He went around to his door and slid in. I did the same to the passenger seat. It smelt like fresh car smell. I buckled up and he drove out.

"So where are we going?"

"Hm...... how about McDonalds?" I smiled and threw my hands in the air. "Yes!" I cheered. He laughed and we quickly got into a conversation. Apparently Austin's a racer too. He's friends with Ryder and Zach both (Don't ask me how.) And Liam is his other friend. Who is also friends with Zach. But Liam hates Ryder just as much as Zach do.

Anytime I tried asking why they hated each other, Austin would just shake his head and say; "If Ryder's not a pussy, he'll tell you." I just nodded and played along. When I wanted to know so much about this. He could sense that. So he just tried changing the topic.

Me and Austin got along great the whole ride. Once we got to McDonalds and ordered our food, we waited and talked some more. When we started eating, we then noticed we had a lot In common. Like the movies we like. We are usually friendly with everybody (except with those people we hate.)

Of yea, which reminds me. Apparently Austin had dated Emily back in freshman year, and Emily cheated on him. So he now despises her. So we both share the hate of Emily. After we were off the topic of things we like, we just started joking around and sooner or later, we were laughing on the ride to the fight.

I bonded really well with Austin tonight. Well, this evening. He was like another best friend. We got to the fight too soon and had to end our playful fun.

We got out, still laughing and walked towards this big building.

So they hold them in an brick building in the middle of an alley so cops don't try and look there. And if they do try and investigate it, it's a bar with stairs you go down underground and there's a huge basement where they hold two matches at one time. Plus two back rooms where the fighters can practice and get ready for the fight.

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