Tough love- Chapter thirty two; Make out and make up.

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[Tough love- Chapter thirty two; Make out and make up.]


I wiped my tears on my wrist as I ran under the board walk. I slumped down against one of the wood columns. Why am I crying over this? What's to cry over? There's no reason to be crying.

Your best friend likes your boyfriend.

I let out more tears. No. No she doesn't. She used to.

She does now.

No! No she doesn't,

Yes she does.

I bursted more tears and hugged my knees, pulling them to my chest.

"Alex!" I flinched. Zach.... does he like her? Oh my gosh I bet you he does. He was the one who called her over that night. Why am I so clueless and stupid to not realise this? Dammit.

"Alex oh my god! What the hell where you thinking?! The tide is about to pull you in!" I looked around. I didn't even notice the water was reaching my chest and actually pulling me further into the water. I immediately got up and ran towards the sand, but I bumped right into Zach.

He wrapped his arms around me and I broke down, crying into his chest. Zach sighed and tightened his arms around me. He kissed my head the way I had done with him earlier. "Im sorry I didn't tell you earlier, baby. I didn't know how you'd react." I looked up at him and shook my head.

"You never should've told me! Emma should've told me when it happened! Im mad at her! She kept this from me! She wanted you to tell me! I wonder how much other stuff she's kept from me!" Zach slid his hand from my back, up to the back of my head and pressed my head back into his chest.

"Sh..... I know baby. I know.... I'm sorry." I shook my head, pressing my cheeks into his chest. "This is Emma, Zach. Stop saying your sorry."

"Sorry- I mean! Sorry. No, not sorry as in sorry about Emma and you but sorry for saying sorry so many times like-" I laughed and pulled away enough to kiss him, cutting him off from his adorable rambling. When I pulled back from the kiss, he was smiling like an idiot and I saw blush in his cheeks. Aw... he's blushing!

I smiled hugely through my tears and poked his cheek. "Aw! Your blushing!" I said, laughing. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Im glad I could entertain you, Parker." I chuckled and chewed my lip. Zach smiled down at me, bringing up a Hand and rubbing my tear away with his thumb. "Your beautiful, Alex..... don't deny it."

"Why can't I deny it, if it isn't true?" I asked. Zach shook his head. "Fine. Think you aren't beautiful. But just know your the most beautiful thing in the world in my eyes." He kissed me softly on my lips before kissing the bridge of my nose. "Now go make up with Emma. I don't need to see a cat fight the rest of the week." I smiled and kissed him a couple more times before we went back to the beach house.


"Em?" I asked, knocking on her door. I heard her stifle a cry. I flinched. Dammit, I didn't mean to make her cry. Shit, I gotta fix this. "Em, can I come in?" I asked. I heard a few footsteps. "You actually want to talk to me?" She asked. I could tell she was right on the other side of the door.

"Yes, Em. let me in. I need to speak."

A few moments later, the door opened and I was in Emma's arms. "Im so sorry, Alex! I wish I would've told you when it happened but I didn't know what you'd think if you heard I had made out with some guy I didn't even know! Im sorry!" I let out a small smile and sniffled. When did I start crying again?

"No, Em. I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I was just... upset you meet told me."

"I know. I promise I'll tell you everything else if you forgive me." I laughed and we pulled apart. "I forgive you, Em. But... can you tell me one thing?"

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