Tough love- Chapter thirty four; The dad

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[Tough love-Chapter thirty four; The dad.]


"When you see my dad, don't say anything alright?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking at Zach. He turned his whole body towards me. "Don't speak about racing, fighting, the guys, Ryder being your brother. None of that stuff, okay? You can't let him know you know any of that stuff." I chewed my lip and nodded, looking over at Zach's house and the new car parked outside.

"Look at me," I felt two fingers under my chin, and turn my head to look at Zach. He had leaned forward so our faces were inches apart. "Your going to be fine. He isn't going to hurt you. Im not letting him."

I smiled, chewing on my lip. Zach smirked, looking down at my lips. "Your going to make us an hour late, Parker. Stop." I chuckled, releasing my lip. Zach leaned forward, kissing my lips softly. Zach slipped his hand into my hair, pushing me harder against him.

Dammit Zach. Your the one that's going to make use late.


We wound up only being twenty minutes late. Yea..... not too long, right?

We walk through Zach's front door and walk into the living room. Zach tightens his grip around my hand as he pulls me through the archway. "Ah, my dear son. It's nice to see you again."

Zach stopped and looked at the tall man in the living room. He had hair exactly like Zach's. He had dark brown eyes. But he didn't have a perfect jawline like Zach. He was attractive though. Even for his age.

"Dad." Zach mumbled, nodding. His dad walked over towards us until he was right in front of us. His eyes then fell on me. They fell down my body and back up again. I clung more to Zach, feeling uncomfortable "Who's your new toy here?" He asked, his eyes never leaving my body.

I tightened my grip on Zach's hand. I need to keep my mouth shut.

Zach moved in front of me and his dad. "She's not a toy, Sagel. And her name is... Tiffany."

What? Why did he- "I know her name, Zachary. Alexandrea Danielle Parker. Sixteen years old. Born July Fifth. Parents of Kyle and Dana Parker. Moved next door from 1209 seventeen street." He smirked at me and winked. I hid behind Zach.

"How Do you know that." Zach demanded harshly. I heard his dad scoff. "A good mastermind never reveals his secret. You should know that. After all, you are my son."

"I wish i wasn't."

"Me and you both." He walks past Zach and winks at me again, going outside of the house. Zach is standing there. His fists is clenched and he's mad. He doesn't move. I sigh and wrap my arms around his waist, pressing my cheek against his back.

"I'm sorry, Zach." I whispered.

He turned in my arms and wrapped his own around my neck, putting his chin on my head. "Don't apologise, baby. He's always been like this. It just makes me mad because of what he's said to you. If he dared tried to touch you, he would've been dead meet." I smiled and pulled my head up, resting my chin against his chest and looking up at him.

"Your so sweet, you know?" I asked, smiling. He pressed his forehead to mine, smiling back. "Don't ever call me sweet again." I laughed and kissed his lips softly. "Your lips are sweet too."

"I'm gonna start calling you baby doll if you don't shut up." I laughed and hugged him tight. "Alright, alright. You win."

"I always do, babe. Haven't you learned that?" I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, Colton."

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