Tough love- Chapter twenty two; Mad.

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[Tough love- Chapter twenty two; Mad]


Yesterday, so was not me. I had kissed a guy I had only known a little over a month, then I made out with him. Not to mention I wanted to continue it. That...was so out of my character. But I guess that's another thing I get from hanging around Zach.

Because ever since I've started talking to him, I've acted different. Its so weird.

So.... I didn't sleep with him last night. I just stayed there until he had fallen asleep. Then I snuck out to my room and still didn't fall asleep until late. I couldn't sleep. My lips were tingly, shaking, and Swollen. And chewing on it wasn't helping.

I sigh as I jog downstairs in a black and blue shirt and ripped shorts. Plus my Adidas high tops to top it all off. Man, I loved these shoes.

I grab my keys from counter and starting towards the door.


I turn to see Ryder coming down the stairs also. "Sup Ryder."

"Hey, so the guys and me were wondering if you would be coming to there tonight." I nodded and smiled. "Definitely, wouldn't miss it." He smiled and gave me a quick hug before realising me. "See you then!" I walked out the door and waved to him. "See ya!"

I ran outside and hopped into me Equus bass. I sighed and started it up. "Hell yea baby!" I screamed, Turing on the radio. I heard a small chuckle and looked out my window to see Zach about to get into his Aero. "What?!" I yelled out. He looked at me smiling, and shook his head.

"Your crazy, Parker!" He called out to me. I shrugged. "As you said yourself, I've been hanging around you!" I laughed and winked at him as I drove off, turning the volume up and signing.

"Im on the Highway to hell!"

I bopped my head all a around to the beat me tapped my fingers around the steering wheel. Damn I loved this. Listing to my music, in my badass car. I think I'm even more badass than Zach. Yep... I am.

When time I pulled up and got out, I realised that Zach was behind me the whole time. I got out and scratched the back font neck awkwardly. He walked over to me and smirked. "Uh... did you see all that?" I asked. He chuckled and nodded. "Every bit Parker." I sighed and rubbed my face.

"Ugh.... so.... you going to the race tonight?" He nodded and put his hands in his pockets. And I couldn't help but look him up and down. He was wearing dark loose jeans with a dark blue shirt. The shirt has the first two buttons undone and showed the very top of his chest. His hair was a mess as usual and he still looked hot as fuck.

"Wouldn't miss it. Austin's racing tonight and Me being his best friend, has to be there." I laughed an shoved his cheat. "Aw! You two have a bromance!" He looked at me, smirking. Also raising an eyebrow. "If we had a bromance I don't think last night would've happened."

I frowned at that. Shit. "Zach.... can we not talk about that.. please? It was way out of my character and I have no idea why I did it." His smirk slowly faded into a straight line. "You didn't like it?"

"No, no, no! That's not it. Its just..... I don't know. It's hard to explain. I liked it way more than I thought but I mean it was my first kiss and then we started making out who knows what could've happened-" Zach had leaned forward and kissed me, cutting me off. Dammit Zach! Stop doing that!

He only kissed me about five seconds before pulling back. He smiled. "Okay. But I can't say I won't kiss you from time to time. Your pretty tasty if I do say so, myself. So if I want a little taste, I'm going to take it." I sighed in relief. "Thank you. Just.... nothing like last night okay? That was a one time thing." he chuckled and nodded. "I promise.... unless you want to go further."

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