Tough love- Chapter thirty; Great dinner and secrets

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[Tough love- Chapter thirty; Great dinner and secrets.]


"Your a fucking dumbass, Zach." I said, opening the first aid kit. Zach avoided making eye contact with me. He sat on the bathroom counter just looking down at his hands. I stare at him an didn't do anything, wanting him to face me. I didn't do or say anything until his head slowly turned up to me.

"I know, okay? I fucked up... I'm sorry babe. I didn't mean to break his wrist." I sighed and put one hand under his chin and I dabbed the wash cloth in the alcohol, then rubbed off his eyebrow. He flinched and moved back, but I gripped his chin harder. "Stop moving. Its your fault your in this mess, so at least let me wash fix your face."

"What about Ryder?! He did-"

"Zach." I mumbled. He looked at me an sighed, his warm breath tickling my face.

So... back at the restaurant Ryder and Zach started yelling at each other. Then one thing lead to another and they fought. Ryder was actually pretty good for someone who doesn't fight. But by the end of the night, the table was in two, Ryder's wrist was broken, and Zach's right eyebrow got a line cut down the middle by a fork.

So yea... great dinner.

I was pissed at both of them. We got kicked out and we took Ryder to the hospital. Which is where we are at now. Zach wouldn't let anyone but me get anywhere near his cut eyebrow. So the doctors told me what to do and that's what I'm doing. Practically stitching up his eyebrow.

Ryder's fine. I went an checked on him and they were putting a cast on his wrist. we made eye contact and I just shook my head, walking away.

So all three of us weren't in the best of situations right now.

"Why are you helping me if your mad at me? You could just let my eye bleed out." I rolled my eyes and purposely put more pressure to his wound, making home flinch and bite down on his teeth. "Eye brow.... and your my boyfriend, Zach. I care for you and don't like it when you get hurt. So imagine how I feel when you fight or race."

Zach stared at me, while I looked at his eyebrow. But his hot gaze was burning a hole right into my cheek.

"I'm sorry...."

"No... Don't Zach. I know your sorry and you've said it twenty times since we got to the hospital. Just... stop fighting with Ryder, okay? Im getting sick of it-"

"He did it too! Its not just my fault, Alex! Can't you get that?!"

I pulled away from him and crossed my arms, cocking my head at him. "Don't raise your voice at me, Zach. I already told Ryder the same thing. So stop jumping to damn conclusions and chill the hell out. Both of you were included in it." Zach stared at me a minute. Before he sighed and his head dropped again.

I gasped as Zach wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him, resting his cheek against my chest. My knees hit the counter he was sitting on as I was pulled in between his legs. The hairs on his hair touched my chin and nose. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck, my stomach getting a tingly feeling to it.

"I'm sorry Alex..... I didn't mean for it to come out like that.... Im just stressed." I smiled lightly an kissed his hair, using one hand to run my fingers through it. I love his hair.... It's so soft and hot.


Zach's arms around my waist tightened. "George..... he's calling my dad."

No.... No we've had to keep this a secret for so long to keep his dad away. This can't happen. I've kept my mouth shut for two months now! No way in hell is this going to happen!

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