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I married the love of my life three years ago. It was after both of us had finished collage and both of us found a job. We first moved in together, then we got married.

I had my first kid, two years ago. We had waited until after we got married to... make love. Because I was nervous as hell that something would go wrong and i wasn't ready. Anyway, We had baby boy and his name is Ace. He inherited my light blue eyes and somehow, he got my moms blonde hair.

We just had our second kid one year ago. It was also a baby boy. We named him Nick. He has dark black hair and dark blue eyes. But the doctor said his eyes might change colors. I hope not though. Any time i look at him, i see Zach.

Emma and Liam got married right out of high school. Somehow, they made it work. Liam did underground fighting and racing for money while Emma went to collage to be a child sociologist.

They now have four kids. Riley, who is... six now? He has light brown hair and dark green eyes. Penelope, who is Riley's twin. So she also has light brown hair and green eyes. Haley, who is four. She has blonde hair and brown eyes. And Sasha is one. She has brown hair and brown eyes.

Jack and Ashley have one kid. Xavier. He is two and has red hair with hazel eyes.

Ryder somehow got involved with Regina and now they just got married. But I'm not an aunt yet.

Nate and Justin went of in the military and said they aren't coming back for another five years so we don't exactly know how he's doing.

And as for Austin?

Well you might be able to guess what happened to him as I continue. 😏

"I cant believe your day is finally here man! I remember back in high school you would always be jealous of all of us," the crowd laughed. "But now that your finally getting married, I wish you luck! And as for you, Iris? You might want to keep him on a leash."

The crowd laughed again as Jack finished his speech for Austin. He bowed. "Thank you! thank you very much!" He then turned the microphone off and dropped it, walking off the stage. I smiled.

"Dammit! Ace get your ass back here!" Zach screamed, chasing after the two year old. I laughed and shook my head. I then crouched down and extended my hands. "Ace, come to mommy!" Ace giggled and ran over to me. He jumped in my arms and I picked him up, spinning him around. I laughed with him and gave him a raspberry. "Who's my big boy?!" Ace laughed and kicked, patting my head. I smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Its me." Zach said, all of a sudden right behind me. He wrapped his arms around my stomach and kissed my neck. I shook my head. "Yeah yeah, Where's Nick?"


I spun around. "Zach!" He laughed and shook his head, bending down to get the one year old off his feet. He put him on his hip and raised an eyebrow at me. "There. Safe and sound, right in front of your eyes."

I laughed and wrapped my arm around his neck, bing him to me. He smirked and kissed me. I instantly kissed back and he chuckled.

"Moma! Why is Aunt Alex eating Uncle Zach!?" Me and Zach broke apart, laughing. We looked over and I saw Emma shaking her head at us, smiling. I laughed and she picked up Penelope. Liam walked over and kissed her forehead, holding Riley's hand and the other arm holding Sasha.

I then smiled and placed my chin on Zach's shoulder.

He looked down at me and smiled. "What?"

I shook my head. "Nothing... just thinking about how happy I am."

He smirked and leaned closer, kissing my neck. "I bet i could make you even more happy tonight."

"Oh really?"

"Hell yea, Babe."

I pulled away and looked at him. I then cocked my head and smirked. "Its to sad you cant call me Parker like you used to always do. He shrugged. "I don't care. I like calking you wifey anyways."

I laughed and we returned our attention back to Austin and Iris.

I... am Alexandrea Danielle Colton.

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