Tough love- Chapter fifteen; The party

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[Tough love- Chapter fifteen; The party.]


I could barley focus on the movie. Austin didn't really hound me about Zach, knowing Ryder was in the car with us. Me, Ryder, Austin, And Jack rode in one car while Emma, Nate, and Liam rode in another. Ryder actually didn't even see me coming out of Zach's house. He was too busy on his phone. Which I was thankful for.

But anyway, I couldn't focus I the movie because all the was going through my head was Zach. He was... so... so close. That was the closest we had ever been and..... I'd be lying if I said I hated it. I chewed on my lip during the whole movie also. Now, anytime I hear Zach's name, that image of Zach hovering over me, his lip touching mine the slightest, comes into mind.

I can't believe that happened. It shouldn't have happened. In fact! We were just arguing a few minutes before weren't we? Not exactly arguing but disagreeing. He's an ass anyway. Watch, the next time I see him, he'll be rude as fuck.

"Uh.... Alee are you okay?" Austin asked from the drivers seat. I looked at him through the mirror. "Im fine." I lied. He could see right through me. He knows something is up and something happened back at Zach's house. But with Ryder right beside him, he didn't say anything.

He just turned to the road and stayed silent. Ryder turned in his seat and looked at me. He didn't say anything as he turned back in his seat. Jack looked at me and smirked, raising an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. He just laughed.

The rest of the ride was pretty silent. Ryder and Austin made small conversation but other than that, nothing. Austin stopped at mine and Ryder's house and we got out. Since I was sitting behind Austin, I walked over his side to get to get to my house.

His arm shot out and he grabbed my wrist. "Text. Me." He said and let me go. I only nodded and walked towards my house. I heard the wheels of the car ride off before I even made it to the doorstep.

I entered my home and no surprise my parents were fighting. I heard them in the kitchen yelling and I just shook my head and snuck upstairs. When I made my way to my room, I saw Ryder leaning against his doorframe. He was staring at the floor, his arms crossed and he seemed spaced out.

I knew he was listening to mom and dad. I walked over and out a hand on his shoulder. "We'll be okay." I whispered. He looked up and made eye contact with me. I gave him a sad smile. He sighed before wrapping his arms around my neck and hugging me. The gesture reminded me of when I ran over to Zach the other day-

Why can't I go one minute without thinking of the almost-kiss. Dammit.

I wrapped my arms around his torso and dug my face into his chest. It had been a while since I had a real hug from Ryder. One like this that meant something. He was always so distant and now that I'm spending more time with him... I love it. Even with my mom and dad.... he's the only one that turkey loves me for who I am.

I rarely talk to dad and my mom only talks to me when she wants something. So when Ryder became distant, I missed him more than anything. We were like two peas in a pod. Nothing could separate us.

"I love you, Alex. You know that right?" I nodded into his chest. "I know..... I love you too." I mumbled. He sighed and cupped the back I my head with his hand, kissing my forehead and leaning back.

"I'm not leaving you again." I smiled and hugged him again. This time, I held on longer and tighter.


After me and Ryder's long lasting hug, I went to my room and shut my door. My window was closed but Zach's was open. Which also meant I could hear his music. But he was playing something I actually liked. I smiled and stalked over onto my desk chair and spun around, nodding my head to the beat.

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