Tough love- Chapter eleven; That day

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[Tough love- Chapter eleven; That day.]


"Go Liam!" Me and Emma shouted in sync as Liam made his way to the mats. Nate, Ashley, Austin, and Ryder all cheered him on too.

Liam was good. But I could already tell Zach was better. Zach wasn't going against Liam. Liam was going against one of the bigger guys. Liam had on green shorts with a black waistband. He was pretty good though.

"So what's up with you and that hottie? Because he's been staring at you for the last half hour." I turned to Emma and scrunched up my eyebrows beer following her finger. It landed on Zach. He wasn't looking at us. He was watching the fight. He had on a black muscle tank top like the one earlier and his hair was a mess.

I looked back at Emma and laughed. "There's nothing going on between us, Em. I promise you that. And he's not looking at us." Emma scoffed and turned towards Liam. "He looks when you aren't. Ive been noticing that. You don't think I see you two talking in the hallways? Or the other day when he pulled you to that tree?"

"You saw that?"

"Yea. As did the others. We aren't blind, Alex. We feel the sexual tension with you two." I was taken back. My eyes widened and my eyebrows shot up in confusion. "Sexual tension?! HA! Yea right. I like Hunter. Zach's just.... not my type."

"What does that even mean, Al? He's every girls type. Because all type of irks want him. Those girls that never talk? Yep, they want Zach. Almost every girl has fucked him."

"What about you? How do you even know this?" She smirked and shook her head, dipping her head back and taking a swig of water. "Ive hooked up with him before, Al. Lets just say he was drunk when it happened and he told me a bunch of shit that I really shouldn't have heard. But there was this one thing.... I didn't get it. And he told me never to tell anybody."

"What was it?" She looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Im a trustworthy person, Alex. I don't want to mess that up." I rolled my eyes and drank some of my water. "You and your profile." She shoved my shoulder. "Shut up- woah.... Hot stuff at nine o'clock." She turned away and I turned my head upwards.

A tall guy around... age eighteen? With dirty blond hair and bright blue eyes. He was muscular, no doubt. He wore a black tank top that showed me that. My jaw barley dropped as I took this guy in. He was hotter than Hunter. Way... way hotter. Dammit.

"Hello beautiful." He gave me a smile that could make me fall on my feet if I was standing. He held out his hand and I slowly placed my hand in it. He brought it to his lips and kissed my knuckles. I shivered. This guy is something else. "What's your name, sunshine?"

"Alex. And I'm Emma." Emma brought out her hand and he shook it, giving her a smile. I looked at Emma and shook my head. She does know she's dating Liam, right? The hot guy turned back to me. "I'm Will. And its a pleasure to meet you ladies. Especially you." He looked at me and smiled again, winking. I died.

"Will!" Somebody yelled from away. He turned his head and nodded upwards once. Then turned back to me. "I hope to see you again, beautiful." He grabbed my knuckles and kissed them again. Then winked and walked off.

I stared into space with my jaw dropped. "Your face is priceless!" Emma yelled laughing. I shoved her shoulder and shook my head. "Shut up." I said blushing. She laughed and slapped a hand on my shoulder. "That guy was so hot. I'd hit that."

"Ew! Em your dating Liam."

"Who's Liam?"

We both bursted into laughter and I have no idea why because there was nothing really funny about that. "Parker." I turned my head to see Zach. I immediately searched for Ryder. Thank god he wasn't there. I looked back at Zach. "What's up?"

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