Tough love; Chapter 3- Surpise bitch

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>Ryder's car>

[Tough love;Chapter 3- Surprise bitch]


If you've ever been to a race, you know how loud it can get. The thirty some cars racing about and crashing into one another.

Well, illegal racing is something completely different.

Yes, their loud as crap. But there is only two or three cars in one race. And they have different races. That's mainly because if your racing someone, they more than likely don't want your crashing their car, so they want the distance. Oh, and they don't have racing cars.

Yes, you heard me. No racing cars. They have the big boys. As in the fastest, best looking cars in the world. Like my brother? Yep, he has a red Saleen S7 Twin-Turbo. It's one of the fastest cars in America. And its a really beauty.

That's the car my brother was teaching me with. He wasn't joking when he said he was going to teach me right after school, and up to the race. Because after at least five hours of driving, we finally went to the race. I was so pumped to go. Don't ask me why hey waited until eight at night while its dark to do the races.

Right now, I was leaning against the walls and checking out all the cars there. There was only about four. One of them including Ryder's Twin-Turbo.

As I was walking past one of the cars, another bright red one caught my eye. It's not because it was a SSC Ultimate Aero, with flip up doors. But because of the person working on it. He was kneeling over the car, the hood up, and was working on it.

His brown hair was everywhere. With a black bandana tied around his forehead. Sweat was dripping from his face. He was wearing a black tank top that showed off his arms. His tattoos covering one of his biceps. His muscles flexed as he worked on the car. And once again.... he looked amazing.

His face was scrunched up in concentration as he twisted something around. And my eyes were glued onto the side of his. And a thought came to mind.

He races too?

All of a sudden, he leaned up and wiped his face with his tattooed bicep. Then his eyes came up to me. He stared at me a minute before sighing and going back to his work. "Are you stalking me now?"

"Why would I want to waste my time?" I asked, walking closer. I saw him roll his eyes, but he didn't say anything. "So what are you doing?" I asked. He stopped and looked at me, raising an eyebrow. "Are you trying to get in my pants?"

I bursted out laughing. Hard. Really?! Was this guy desperate?! My laugh sounded like a dying hyena.

He looked frustrated once I was slowing down my laughter. "Done yet?" He asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and looked closer at what he was doing. I know I don't race cars. But I know pretty much every part. Thats how I could tell he was switching the air filter into a Spector Cloth Air Filter. But he wasn't taking the Mulex Connecter out of the mass air flow.

I sighed and crossed my arms. Now I see why he was having trouble. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "What?"

I walked beside him and leaned forward over the car. "If you are trying to make your car go faster by switching out the filler into a Spector, then you should probably slip the Mulex Connector out of the Mass air flow." I said, doing exactly what I directed.

I leaned back and smirked at him. He was just staring at me, a bit shocked. He awkwardly turned back to his car and mumbled; "Okay...." As he finished screwing in the Filter.

"No thanks?" He rolled his eyes again. "You do t deserve a thanks. Anyone could do that."

"You couldn't."

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