Tough love- Chapter twenty five; Kiss his Macaroni and cheese covered lips.

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[Tough love- Chapter twenty Five; Kiss his macaroni and cheese covered lips.]


"Zach, please tell me where your taking me." I begged. Zach only smirked, righting his grip on my hand, which shot more shocks up my arm. You'd think it would only take five minutes for the shocks to die down. But nope, it's been at least seven minutes since he's held my hand and its still as strong as when he first grabbed it.

Neither of us will let go either. We are stubborn that way. "No, Parker. Your not getting that answer out of me that easily." I grunted and threw my head back. "Eugh!..... okay... how can I get it out of you?"

"There's no way, you just have to deal with it."

I used my right hand(The one he wasn't holding.) And slapped his arm. He laughed and still looked at the road. I smiled at him. I knew I was daring but I couldn't help it. He was just so..... Beautiful. He was adorable and sexy. Hot. Weird. Amazing. Awesome. funny. I don't even know what to do with him anymore.

I fucking like him too..... a lot. I just don't know how I'm suppose to tell him after what all's happened. Does he even like me anymore? Is he bringing me somewhere to kill me? Oh no, what if he is?! He's a racer and fighter so I think he would! AH!

"What's wrong?"

I flinch at his voice, almost forgetting he was there even though I was staring right at him. I felt his hand tighten around mine but it didn't loosen up. It stayed tight. I squeezed back and he started with the rubbing circles again. This time, with his thumb rubbing against my knuckles.

I shivered. "N-Nothing." I lie. Zach looks at me and smirks, raising an eyebrow. "You think you can lie to me, Parker? Ha, ha. I don't think so. What's wrong." I shook my head and turned to face the window. "I said nothing, Zach."

"You do realize that I know when a girl says 'Nothing' it actually means 'something'." I rolled my eyes. "How do you figure that?"

"I've been around you for almost two months now. I know you better than you think." I sighed and rubbed my face with my free hand. "Look.... its complicated. I need to say some things and I'm not sure how to get it out."

Zach was quiet a minute before he finally broke the silence. "I have some things to say too," I looked over at him, wanting him to go ahead and come out with whatever he wanted to say. He was looking at me with a great stare. Not in anger, or jealousy, or sadness. But more in what you look like when you can't talk and you need to.

"But I can't here," He turned back to the road, his grip getting even tighter. "I'll tell you when we get there."

I nodded, knowing he wouldn't give in.


"You do realize I've been to the park a million times as a kid.... especially this park." I said as Zach got out of the car. I opened my door and stepped out. Zach came around to me and smiled. "Not when it's dark."

"Uh.... yea I have been when its dark." He rolled his eyes at me. "Never with me." I laughed and nodded. "True. Now tell me bad boy, why am I here?" I asked. He smiled and put his hand on the small of my back, making me shiver. My smile was replaced by my lips being Ajar. He softly started leading me towards the park.

"We're having a picnic." I turn to him and meld my eyebrows into one. "A picnic? At seven thirty in the evening?" He nodded, not looking at me. I then saw his free hand had a picnic basket.

He planned this?

Damn. Zach your not helping my situation at all here. We found a spot in the middle of the bright green grass. The playground was a good distance away and the only thing even nearly close was a tree.

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