Chapter 1

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Over 1,000 years ago

The cold breeze hit my back, causing a shiver to course thru me. Today was suppose to be wonderful it was suppose to be the best day of my life, but before I knew it everything came crashing down around me. The day wasn't too hot and wasn't too cold, it was perfect.

"(Y/n)." A deep voice called out.

I turned around and frowned as I saw my older brother walk up to me, a frown on his face.

"Brother, is everything okay?" I quietly breathed out.

"No, you're not suppose to be outside. Come, we must get you ready." He growled as he roughly grabbed my hand.

He dragged me behind him, the same frown staying on his face. I dug my nails into my palms as I followed close behind him. My heart started to race as I saw my father talking to a tall man.

The man looked to be a demon, he had four arms and two faces. His hair was pink spiked hair slightly pushed upfront and he had multiple tattoos on his forehead, nose, cheeks, upper body, and abdomen. The man looked annoyed, as if he didn't want to be here and was being forced against his will. His red eyes were locked onto my father.

"Ah! There is my daughter! (Y/n), my dear come here." My father ordered as he motioned for me to come to his side.

I slowly walked towards him, my head down. I was instantly stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist. I let out a yelp as another hand came up and cuffed my chin, raising my face to meet the monster's gaze.

"So this is the healer that I've heard so much about. And it seems she is nothing but a child." He said as he clicked his lips.

"I am no child." I hissed as I glared up at him.

"(Y/n)! You will show Lord Sukuna respect!"

Sukuna! As in the King of Curses, Sukuna. It couldn't be, my father would never stoop so low to join an alliance with someone so cruel.

"You have fire. I like that in a woman." Sukuna teased as his grip tightened.

My hand flew up and I tried to tear his hand away from my face, but my grip did nothing and it seemed to only make him laugh.

"Such fire behind those eyes, yes I do believe we have a deal." Sukuna growled as he stood up, his grip never leaving my chin.

"I'm thrilled to learn you are pleased with her. She will make a wonderful wife, she will bear you many children." My father said as he bowed his head.

"Wife!" I exclaimed as my eyes went wide. "Father you can't be serious! You would allow such a monster to take me!"

"Silence! Do you wish for our family to perish child! You should be honored to receive this gift!" My father snapped.

I went to speak but Sukuna's hand covered my mouth and he turned to look at my father.

"I shall be leaving now, I shall return for her in a week. Do have her ready for me." Sukuna growled out.

"Of course, my lord." My father whispered as he got to the ground and bowed his head.

Sukuna released me, causing me to fall to the ground. A devious smirk spread across his face as he turned and walked away from us, leaving me with my traitorous family. I felt a hand grab a hood of my hair and I let out a scream as I was dragged to my feet.

"You foolish girl! Are you trying to get us killed!" My brother screamed as he glared down at me.

"Let go of me!" I pleaded as I tried to fight against him.

"Do you know how long we have worked for this! For the chance to have Sukuna on our side!"

"Brother please! You can't possibly force me to marry him!"

"You will marry him and you will do so without a single complaint!" My brother growled as he threw me to the ground.

Tears streamed down my face as my brother glared down at me, a look of pure disgust on his face.

"We are lucky to be alive, sister. You will marry Sukuna and you will give him as many children as he requests."

"And if it kills me?"

"Then you will have died protecting our family." My brother hissed out as he turned and walked away from me, my father following close behind him.

I forced myself to my feet and held my side. I took in a deep breath and limped to my room, anger slowly starting to form inside of me.

I couldn't believe that they could betray me. I had thought my family loved me and yet they could throw me to the wolves without a second thought for my safety. It was no secret that Sukuna was a murderer. He had massacred thousands of villages and killed hundreds of women and children. What was to say that he wouldn't grow bored of me and kill me and my family?

I made it to my room and threw my kimono off. I found myself in nothing but my undergarments and quickly threw myself down onto my bed.

"(Y/n)?" A gentle voice called out.

I slowly turned my head and frowned as I saw my older sister standing in my doorway.

"What do you want?" I growled out as I set up.

"I came to check on you. Father told me everything. I am so sorry that this has happened to you." She said as she set down on the edge of my bed.

"I can't believe they could do this to me. They sold me to a monster." I whispered as I stared up at my ceiling.

"Perhaps he won't be so cruel." She said as she leaned back in her hands.

"Trust me, that man is cruel and heartless. He cares not about my life, let alone our families life."

"It will be okay, you must trust in our brother. I'm sure he knows what he is doing."

"Yea, he is saving his own skin." I thought as I toyed with my hair.

Before I knew it a week had passed and I was being fitted for my wedding. I let out a yelp as my mother tied my dress, tightening it to were it was hard to breath.

"Mother, not so tight. She needs to be able to move." My sister hissed as my mother tied the black bow.

"She must look thin. Sukuna will not be pleased if she does not look irresistible." My mother explained as she moved to fix my hair.

Everything she did, I messed with in the hopes of buying myself time. But I'm the end it did nothing and I stood before a priest saying I do.

"You may kiss your bride."

A sinful smirk spread across Sukuna's face as he used one of his hands to grab my waist while the other grabbed my face. He leaned down and roughly pressed his lips to mine. I felt copper reach my tongue as our lips connected. My nails dug into his chest as he licked my lips. He pulled away and I saw a small hint of blood on his lips, which he quickly licked away.

"You're mine now." He growled out into my ear.

Jujutsu Kaisen Sukuna's BrideWhere stories live. Discover now