Chapter 6

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It was hard to believe that three weeks had already passed since we had gotten married. I shouldn't have been able to make this castle a home, and yet I found myself enjoying my stay here. Sukuna did his best to make the castle feel like a home, having his servants clean it too to bottom, filling his library full of books for me to read, and even buying me thousands of different kimonos; which he always seems to instantly destroy. Even though he had his cruel moments, I found that he could be civil at least and not yell all the time.

Though I was getting a long with him I still couldn't get over something he had told me. "Foolish girl, do you have any idea how long I've waited for your father to accept my deal? I have longed for you for years, and now that I have you... I have no intention of letting you go." I still hadn't got a chance to ask him what he meant by that. There was times that I thought about bringing it up, but I always grew way to nervous and chickened out.

"What's on your mind, little dove." Sukuna breathed out as his arms wrapped around my waist.

It was hard to believe how much taller he was than me. The man towered over me, making me feel as if I was a small child.

"It's nothing." I whispered as he slid his hands down to my hips, pulling me back against his chest.

My head stopped right above the center of his chest, making it nearly impossible sometimes to read his face.

"Dove, don't lie to me." He hissed as he crouched down.

My cheeks turned red as I felt his eyes look me up and down.

"I... was wondering-"

Before I could continue to speak I heard the doors slam open. I quickly turned and frowned as I watched a tall older woman with an athletic build, fair skin, had long dark hair, and thick eyebrows which were slightly rounded on the inner sides, walk into the room. My eyes went wide as I noticed that she was completely naked except for the untied haori she wore.

"Yorozu, why are you here?" Sukuna asked with a frown.

She rushed up to him, practically throwing herself into his arms. Sukuna simply glared at her as I rubbed my hands up and down my arms.

"I missed you so much!" Yorozu exclaimed.

"I didn't miss you at all. Leave, I'm in the middle of having a conversation with my wife." Sukuna deadpanned.

"Wife! You married that thing!" Yorozu hissed as she pointed to me.

"Yes, I married her. Now leave before I lose my patience." He growled as he glared down at her.

"What does she have that I don't have!"

I silently snuck away as they argued, there was a pain in my chest that didn't seem to want to go away. I wrapped my arms around myself and slowly walked towards our bathroom. I found a servant waiting and ordered her to draw me a bath. When the water was ready I stripped out of my clothing. My kimono slid down my body, leaving me bare. I slowly walked up to the tub and stepped inside. I sunk into the water, a sigh of relief leaving my lips as I felt the warm water engulf me.

"Stupid woman. Who does she think she is... coming here and throwing herself in my husband." I growled as I laid my head back against the side of the tub.

I couldn't get her out of my mind. She was beautiful, even more so than me. How Sukuna couldn't want her I would never understand. Actually I couldn't understand why he wanted me, there was nothing special about me, I'm sure there is more beautiful women out there.

I put my head under the water and held my breath as I tried to calm my racing heart. Not long after I went under I felt a hand grab a hold of my neck, dragging me back to the surface. A gasp left my lips as I gasped in air.

"What the hell were you thinking!" Sukuna screamed as he glared down at me.

My eyes went wide as I stared up at him. I hadn't even felt him climb into the tub with me, but he was sitting inside the tub; fully clothed and practically drenched.

"I... was washing my hair." I whispered as his face hardened.

As soon as the words left my lips his eyes went wide and he let go of my neck.

"You... weren't trying to kill yourself?" He asked in shock.

"No! I was just washing my hair! Why would you think I would be trying to kill myself!" I yelled as I ran my fingers thru my hair.


He quickly looked away and sunk into the tub, bringing one of his hands to his face; he let out a sigh. I rolled my eyes and moved over to him, straddling his lap.

"Sukuna, is everything alright?" I asked with a frown.

"No, Yorozu has gotten on my nerves." He grumbled as he buried his face in between my breasts.

"She really pisses you off."

"More than any living creature. If I could kill her without causing a war, I would." He growled as he kissed my chest. "She's just as power hungry as all those other whores."

I took in a deep breath and gently ran my fingers thru his hair, smiling as he ran his hands up and down my sides.

"Why me?"

He let out a hum and pulled away from me, a frown on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you pick me? I'm a nobody compared to her."

He let out a sigh and ran his fingers across his face.

"So that is what has been bugging you."

I gave a nod and he pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around me.

"You're right about there being hundreds of women that want me, I'm a powerful man. But you're wrong when you say I could have any of them. Those women want me for one thing, power." He explained as he forced me to wrap my legs around his waist. "They believe that marrying me will make them stronger. Though Yorozu seems to believe she can show me the meaning of love."

"What wrong with loving someone?"

"I can't love, I think love is nothing but a weakness."

"So why marry me if you hate love?"

"Because I knew you could never love me. Your loyalty to me is simply because I have your families lives in my hands, you do as I say because if you didn't then I'd kill you." He explained as he moved his hand to my throat.

"That's a lie." I breathed out.

He raised an eyebrow, and I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"Sukuna, when have I ever done as you asked me?" I asked with a smirk.

His eyes met mine and I watched as they narrowed, a playful smirk spread across his face as he pulled me closer.

"Never." He whispered as he captured my lips with his.

Jujutsu Kaisen Sukuna's BrideWhere stories live. Discover now