Chapter 2

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Smut, Rough sex, blowjob, fingering, breeding kink, overstimulation, two dicks, degrading

I kept my head down as Sukuna dragged me behind him, his tight grip on my wrist never loosening. We arrived at what looked to be an abandoned castle.

"Welcome to your new home." Sukuna teased as he tightened his grip on my wrist.

He dragged me inside and past a group of workers. I felt my heart race as he led me thru the hallways. I knew what was coming, but I had hoped that he would wait. The door slid open as he walked up to it. With little to no hesitation he dragged me inside and threw me down onto a bed. I fell backwards, my heart pounding in my chest as I stared up at him.

"Now, little wife. Why don't you be a good girl for me." Sukuna growled as he glared down at me.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked as my cheeks turned bright red.

A chuckle left his lips as he roughly grabbed a hold of my chin.

"Suck me off." He growled out.

"Yes... husband." I breathed out.

He removed his grip from my face and took a step back. He slid his clothes off revealing himself to me. He was a lot more muscular than I had previously thought, and there was more tattoos on his body then I had seen. I felt my heart stop as I looked down to see not one, but two thick cocks. I had no idea how I was going to take both of his cocks at the same time, I knew that I would need both of my hands just to hold one of them.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" He growled out.

I slowly opened my mouth, allowing him to thrust his cock inside. I felt it hit the back of my throat and I gagged. I didn't know my mouth could open this wide, let alone for something so big inside. I could practically feel the drool slid down my face as he thrusted in and out of my mouth. Sukuna didn't seem to care as he continued to use me for his own pleasure. All I could do was let out a whimper as he used continued to use me for his own pleasure. One of his hands made their way to my hair and he tangled his fingers. A yelp left my lips as he pulled me off of his cock and pulled my head back, forcing me to stare up at him. He was panting and trying to catch his own breath as he glared down at me, a look of anger on his face.

"When I cum, I want you to swallow. If you spit out a single drop then I'm going to take you without any preparation." He growled out. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, husband." I whispered as he tightened his grip.

A smirk spread across his face as he moved me back towards his cock. I opened my mouth and moved my tongue across the tip of his cock. A groan left his lips as he allowed me to continue to tease him. The teasing only lasted a couple seconds before he roughly pulled me forward. I rubbed my thighs together as I allowed him to use my mouth. I needed some friction to ease the burning sensation in the pit of my stomach.

"Remember, swallow it all." He ordered as he started to get rougher.

In a matter of seconds a sticky substance shot out and hit the back of my throat. My heart stopped and my eyes went wide as I opened my mouth wider. A groan left Sukuna's lips as he came down from his high. He removed his cock, as he licked his lips and stared down at me.

"Such a good little slut." He growled as he pulled my head back. "I'll have to reward you."

I gasped for air as I felt the sticky substance travel down my throat. I watched as Sukuna leaned down and cuffed my face with one of his hands. He roughly pressed his lips to mine, pulling my hair as he pulled me closer. A whimper left my lips as I tried to get closer to him. I felt something sneak it's way into my underwear and my eyes shot open. I reached down and dug my nails into his arm, which had slowly started to move over my center. Sukuna pulled away from me, a giant grin on his face.

"My my, what have we here? You are drenched, dove. Who would of suspected that you could get this wet from just sucking my cock." Sukuna teased as he rubbed circles on my cunt.

"Sukuna... please.... Let me go." I pleaded as my mouth hung open.

"You're lips say one thing, but your body says another." He teased as he thrusted a finger inside of me.

My eyes shot open as electricity coursed thru me. A gasp left my lips as I threw my head back.

"I'll be damned, did you cum by just one of my fingers?" He asked with a laugh.

He continued his assault on me as I dug my nails into his wrists. Moans spilled from my lips as he made me cum over and over again.

"Give me one more and this will be over." He whispered into my ear.

He stuck another finger inside of me, stretching my insides. My mouth hung open as I threw my head back, a load moan leaving my lips. I felt liquid shoot out of me, landing on his face.

"Such a good girl." He teased as he removed his fingers.

I gasped for air as I released my grip on him and reached up to grip onto my pillow. I felt his hands slide my underwear off of me. He tore my dress down the middle and pressed his lips to my breasts. I whined as he took one into his mouth and sucked on it.

"I can't wait until you are carrying my child." He growled as he ran his fingers down my chest.

He placed his hands under my thighs and pulled my legs apart.

"Sukuna... I can't... no more." I pleaded thru tears.

"Oh my sweet wife, your tears only egg me on." He said as he thrusted into me.

A scream left my lips as I felt him bury himself inside of me. My legs wrapped around his waist as he thrusted inside of me. He had me crammed full, and I didn't think anything else would fit inside of me.

"Oh god." I moaned as I closed my eyes.

"So tight. I forgot how good it was to fuck a virgin." He growled as he started to get rougher.

"Please, slower. Go slower!" I gasped out.

He ignored me and picked up his speed. I felt his hand raise my leg up, allowing him to go deeper inside of me. My eyes rolled back inside of my head as he continued to man handle me.

"So... good! To... much!" I gasped as I felt my release start to build up.

I was already sensitive from cuming four times, I had no idea how I would manage to cum a fifth time. But it didn't seem like Sukuna cared, all he seemed to care about was using me for his own pleasures.

"I'm going to fill you full. Everyone in the whole damn world will learn that you're mine." He hissed as he picked up his speed.

It was a bruising pace, and I felt like he was destroying my insides. But I also felt so good, too good if I was being honest. I'd probably be begging him for more if it wasn't for me being speechless. Before I knew it he gave one more hard thrust and something shot inside of me. My eyes went wide and my nails dug into his back as a gasp left my lips. I felt him start to slow down as I caught my breath. I felt him pull out, leaving me empty.

"Well this won't do." He mumbled as he tightened his grips on my thighs.

I let out a groan and tried to pull away from him, but he pulled me back. Within a matter of seconds he was thrusting into me again.

"Can't have you wasting a single drop. Especially if you're going to carry my children like the good little slut you are." He growled into my ear.

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