Chapter 10

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Three months later

I didn't know what was going on, but I knew that I felt horrible. For the past few weeks I had trouble getting in and out of bed. I woke up every morning having to rush to the bathroom to empty my stomach, and if a certain smell hit my nose it was game over. I just couldn't get my stomach to settle down.

"Uraume, could you contact the healer for me?" I asked with a groan.

"Of course, should I tell Lord Sukuna?"

"No, he has a meeting. I don't want to disturb him."

They gave me a nod and left to fetch our healer. Three hours later I felt my heart skip a beat. I was overjoyed when I heard the words leave my healer's lips. I had long since lost hope of ever hearing those words, and yet today the gods smiled on me.

"Are you sure?" I asked thru tears.

"Yes, you're pregnant."

I covered my mouth as more tears streamed down my face. The doctor handed me a cloth, which I quickly used to whip my eyes.

"I'd say you are two months along." He explained.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I exclaimed as I hugged him.

He let out a laugh as I pulled away from him and ran out of the room. I had to find Sukuna and I had to find him now. I could only imagine how happy he would be at the news of finally having an heir. I placed a hand on my stomach, smiling like a fool as I ran thru the castle. I didn't stop until I made it to the throne room. I was about to throw open the doors when I heard a familiar talking.

"My love, how much longer will you stay with her?"

I heard a groan and slowly peeked inside to see Yoruzu sitting in Sukuna's lap, kissing his neck. I thought at first he would push her off of him, but he didn't. Sukuna simply set there and allowed her to run her hands up and down his body. My eyes went wide and I felt my stomach drop. Tears welled up as she cuffed his face and leaned down, pressing a kiss to his lips.

"You know that we belong together." She breathed out.

I quickly turned and ran as fast as I could. I covered my mouth as tears streamed down my face. I couldn't believe it, Sukuna and Yoruzu were together. I had thought she meant nothing to him, but I was wrong. My heart ached as I ran out of the castle, not knowing where I would go; only knowing that I had to get away.

I had been so happy, and yet now I felt so broken. I couldn't believe that he would betray me. I thought that even though he didn't love me, he respected me enough not to cheat on me.

It didn't take me long to find a village, thankfully I found one far away. It was perhaps a week long journey to here. Sukuna would never search here, seeing as it was so secluded. The village was hidden in a deep dark forest, away from wondering eyes. I had actually been lucky to stumble upon it.

The people were thankfully very friendly and I didn't have to worry about then asking questions about my past. The only thing I feared was my child being born and looking like their father, would they be normal or would they have his monstrous features?

Six months later

A scream ripped from my lungs as I felt pain course thru me. I was covered head to toe in sweat. I could hardly catch my breath as another wave of pain hit me.

Sadly there was no one to hold my hand, nor to tell me what I had to do. I couldn't risk anyone seeing my child and finding out who their father was, so I decided to do it all on my own.

"Come on... you can do this (Y/n)." I growled as I dug my nails into my tub.

I was sitting in my bath, warm water surrounding me. I let out a high pitch scream as I felt something start to slid out. I tried to catch my breath, but it was impossible. All I wanted was Sukuna, but he was gone and I knew I had to be strong. My child needed me and I had to do all I could to bring them into this world. I continued to push up until I heard the sound of screaming. I quickly set up and picked up the floating child.

Tears streamed down my face as I stared down at the small baby in my arms. He was perfect, ten fingers and ten toes. There was no deformities and the only thing he had given to him from his father was a small patch of pink hair. I laid back against the tub and smiled as I cradled my son in my arms.

"Oh my sweet boy... my sweet Angel. I shall do everything that I can to protect you." I whispered as I stared down at him.

I felt something warm hit me and looked u too see the sun rising.

"Kōsuke." I whispered as I stared at the sun.

I slowly looked down and smiled as my son stared up at me.

"I shall call you Kōsuke, it means Rising Sun." I cooed as I rubbed my son's cheek.

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