Chapter 8

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Face sitting, rough sex, fingering, breeding kink

My eyes fluttered open as I felt a pair of arms pull me closer. I felt gentle kisses being placed on my forehead, and instantly my heart stopped. Sukuna was home. He was home and holding me in our shared bed, which meant he had found me asleep on his throne.

"Morning, my little trouble maker." Sukuna teased as he set up.

My eyes slid open and I slowly looked up to see him staring down at me, a look of amusement on his face.

"Morning, my lord." I whispered as I felt fear course thru me.

He clicked his tongue and moved his hand down my body, stopping in between my legs.

"It seems that you haven't been behaving." He said as he forced my legs apart.

"I can exp-"

"Then explain it to me. Tell me why you were sitting on my throne." He growled as he buried his fingers deep inside of my pussy.

A gasp left my lips as I moved to squeeze my legs shut. I was stopped by him using his arms to hold my legs open, his fingers slowly moving in and out.

"I- oh god!" I gasped as a moan slipped from my lips.

He moved down and pressed gentle kisses along my neck.

"I'm listening." He teased as he kept his brutal pace.

"I... was wai- ting for you!" I gasped out.

He sped his fingers up, burying them as deep as they possibly could go. His whole hand was nearly buried inside of me, causing little gasps and moans to leave my lips as he picked up speed.

"That doesn't explain why you were on my throne."

"I fell asleep, I'm sorry!" I whined as he slowed down.

"You're sorry? Why don't I believe you?"

"Please! Please I'll do anything, just let me cum!" I pleaded as he kept his slow pace.

"Anything... alright I want you to ride my face." He ordered as he removed his fingers.


"You heard me, ride my face. Perhaps if you do a good enough job, I'll allow you to cum on my cock." He teased as he laid back on the bed.

Excitement coursed thru me as I climbed up his body, stopping right above his face. I watched as he licked his lips, a look of hunger crossing his face as he gripped onto my ankles. As soon as I felt his lips make contact, my hips bucked and a cry fell from my lips. I rocked back and forth, moaning as I felt his tongue bury itself inside of me. I had never felt so much pressure building up inside of me, and I felt like I might explode.

"Sukuna! To much! Oh god! It's to much!" I gasped as I tried to slow down.

But he was having non of it and tightened his grip on my hips. He moved me back and forth, forcing me to fuck myself on his tongue. I felt my eyes close as my orgasm washed over me. My legs started to shake and I could hardly breath as I squeezed my legs around his head. A groan left Sukuna's lips as he locked up my mess.

"Su... kuna.. I need to re-"

He flipped me over, forcing me into my back and under him. A moan left my lips as he captured my lips with his, forcing me to taste myself on his tongue. I felt his tongue enter my mouth, swirling all around inside. I couldn't help but to let out a surprised noise as I felt him deepen the kiss. While he kissed me he spread my legs apart, and in a matter of seconds he thrusted inside of me. Instantly I felt my orgasm hit me as I felt him sheave himself inside of me, my pussy practically swallowing him up. He disconnected his lips from mine and moved his lips to my neck.

"Such a good girl for me." He whispered as he stared down at me.

I stared up at him, a small smile spreading across my face as I watched his hair fall down, covering his face. I slowly reached up and slick his hair back as he met my gaze. In a matter of seconds I felt one of his hands capture my wrists, pinning them above my head. A whimper left my lips as he started to get rougher. I heard the headboard of our bed slam against wall as Sukuna fucked me into the mattress. He bared his teeth as he glared down at me.

"I'm going to make sure to fuck my child into you." He growled as he dug his nails into my wrists.

A moan left my lips as I thrusted my hips upward, meeting his thrusts. He released my wrists and moved his hands down to my legs. I felt him grab my legs and throws them over his shoulders, allowing him to thrust deeper inside of me. My eyes went wide as I felt my cunt clench around his cock. I heard a groan leave Sukuna's lips as I felt him cum deep inside of me, his nails digging deep into my legs. We both laid there trying to catch our breaths.

"So... will you sit on my throne again?" Sukuna teased as he stared down at me.

"I want to say no, but I know that is a lie." I breathed out.

He let out a chuckle and rolled off of me. He laid down on his back and pulled me to his chest, smiling as he kissed my forehead.

"What am I going to do with you?" He grumbled as he held me in his arms.

I let out a light laugh and buried my face in his chest, a giant grin spreading across my face as I listened to his heart start to race.

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