Chapter 13

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A year later

A smile spread down my face as I stared down at my healthy baby girl. Like her brother she looked exactly like her father, but instead of his red eyes; she had my (eye color) eyes. She was perhaps the cutest little girl I had ever seen, though that could simply be because she is mine. I heard the door to my room open and looked u onto see Sukuna walk inside, his arms to his side.

"Hello, darling. Do you want to hold our daughter?" I whispered with a giant grin.

He made his way to my side and peered down at the sleeping child in my arms. At first his nose was scrunched up, but as soon as his eyes landed on the small child they went soft and his arms were held out. I gently placed her in his arms, smiling as he set down beside me.

"She's... beautiful." He whispered as he caressed her little cheek.

"And she is ours." I whispered as I kissed his shoulder.

"We should have another."

I let out a snort and shook my head as I leaned back against my pillow.

"How about you give me another year? It's not easy pushing a bolder out of my vagina." I teased as he rolled his eyes.

"How hard could it be?"

"When you give birth to a child then you can tell me, but for now you don't have any say on it."

He let out a chuckle and leaned back against my pillow.

"Have you picked out a name yet?" He grumbled out.

"I don't know yet, maybe I can do something with the son. I mean Kōsuke's name means rising sun-"

"How about Hikari, it means light?" He questioned cutting me off.

I turned to look at him and smiled as I saw that his eyes hadn't left our sleeping child's form. I'd never seen him so happy and full of love.

"Hikari is beautiful. I love it." I said as I kissed his cheek.

"You better, I picked it out." He grumbled out.

I heard the door open and we both turned to see my son rush into the room, throwing himself into my bed.

"Kōsuke be careful. Your sister is fragile." I said as he crawled over to me.

I held my arms out and smiled as he cuddled into my side, after awhile I caught him peeking over his father's shoulder.

"Can I hold her?" Kōsuke asked with a pout.

"No, she is to small." Sukuna growled out.

"Of course you can. I'll help you." I said as is hot my husband a warning glare.

He slumped forward and handed her over to me. Kōsuke quickly held his arms out and allowed me to show him how to hold his baby sister.

"Watch her head." I instructed as he cradled her in his arms.

"She's so small."

"That's because she is a baby. Soon she will grow and be as big as you." I explained as I hugged my son.

"I'm gonna protect her with my life." He stated as he held her to his chest.

I couldn't help but to laugh at the annoyed look on my husband's face.

"You won't have to protect her, I can protect you all on my own." Sukuna growled out.

"I know but when you are gone I can protect everyone." Kōsuke exclaimed with a giant grin.

A small smile appeared on my husband's face as he reached out and ruffled our son's hair.

"Then it seems your mother and sister are in good hands." Sukuna whispered as my son smiled up at him.

Three years later

I smiled as I watched my son run with his three year old sister. Their father running behind them, yelling that he was going to catch them.

"Momma! Help!" Hikari exclaimed as she ran into my arms.

I let out a laugh and wrapped my arms around her, hiding her from her father.

"Where did she go? I know I saw her run this way." Sukuna teased as he pretended to look for her.

"Oh cruel king I believe I saw the princess run in that direction." I said as I pointed behind him.

"Ah! Thank you my ever so beautiful queen." Sukuna said as he shot me a wink.

I laughed as he snuck around me. I slowly let my daughter out and allowed her to look around. She took the first step and was grabbed by her father.


"I have you now!" Sukuna exclaimed as he started to tickle her sides.

She laughed and cried as he held her in his arms.

"I'll save you!" My son exclaimed as he tackled his father.

Sukuna fell to the ground, laying his head in my lap.

"I've been cut down!" Sukuna exclaimed as he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue.

"Thank you brave knight!" My daughter exclaimed as she hugged her brother.

A smile spread across my face as I felt Sukuna take my hands in his, gently squeezing them as our children ran off to play on their own.

"I love you." Sukuna whispered as his eyes slid open.

"And I love you, more than I ever thought was possible." I said as I kissed the top of his head.

I felt him interlock our fingers, pulling me closer to him as his eyes slid shut. I took in a deep breath and looked back up, smiling as I saw my children run after each other.

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