Chapter 9

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I let out a hum as I worked on bathing myself. Sukuna was once again gone, leaving me alone. It was almost hard to believe that I had been living with him for over a year now, and had yet to get pregnant. In all honesty I was slowly starting to fear that I'd never give him a child.

"My lady."

I looked up and frowned as I saw Uraume outside my door.

"Ume, what's wrong?"

"Your father is here." They explained.

My heart stopped and I quickly sprung out of the bath, grabbing my towel and wrapping it around me. I rushed to get dressed, slipping my kimono on over my nude body.

"Did he give a reason for his visit?" I hissed as I struggled with tying my kimono.

"No, my lady."

"Damn it, this can't be good." I thought as I fixed my hair.

I rushed towards the throne room, my heart racing as I made it to the door. I took in a deep breath, calming myself before I walked thru the doors. I made it inside and frowned as I saw my father standing there, my older sister beside him.

"Father, you honor me by coming to-." I said with a bow of my head.

"So it is true, you aren't pregnant." He growled cutting me off.

"Not yet, no. But Lord Sukuna and I-"

A loud smack echoed thru the throne room as I felt my father's hand come into contact with my face. My eyes went wide as my head turned to the side.

"I should never of allowed you to come here. I knew you would bring shame to our family!" Father yelled.

I stared at the wall, my heart having stopped. I couldn't believe what had happened, had he truly hit me?

"Perhaps I can fix this. I could offer your sist-"

"Uraume, escort my father out." I calmly said cutting my father off.

I turned to look at my father, my eyes full of disgust and anger.

"Of course my lady." Uraume said as they bowed their head.

"How dare you! I am your father! You are nothing but Sukuna's sl-"

"Finish that sentence and I shall have your tongue." Uraume said cutting my father off.

Uraume stood in between me and my father, their eyes locked on him. I had never seen them look so angry, and it almost scared me.

"You dare to threaten me! You are nothing but a sla-"

I rushed forward, moving my hand to the side. I felt my hand come into contact with my father's cheek, throwing him to the ground as it made contact.

"I TOLD YOU TO GET OUT! THIS IS MY HOME AND I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO DISRESPECT MY HUSBAND'S SERVANTS!" I screamed as I glared daggers at my father, his eyes wide in shock as he stared up at me.

I heard footsteps and froze as I head a familiar chuckle. I quickly turned around and went stiff as I saw Sukuna walk into the room.

"An here I thought I would be welcomed home." Sukuna teased as he walked towards us.

"Lord Sukuna, I-"

"Shut up." My husband ordered cutting my father off.

My father bowed his head as Sukuna made his way to me, passing my sister. He raised one of his hands up and gently took my face in his tight grip.

"Who dares to touch my wife?" Sukuna growled as his eyes turned bright red.

"My lord, she disrespected m-"

In a flash Sukuna had my father up in the air, Sukuna's hands wrapped around his neck. I had never seen Sukuna so mad and for once I was happy his anger was towards someone else instead of me.

"Wife, tell me do you wish for this scum to perish?" Sukuna hissed out.

"No, though he is nothing but a disgrace... he is still my father and I care for him." I said as I wrapped my arms around myself.

Sukuna threw him to the ground and glared daggers at him.

"Leave and if you ever show your face here again, I will personally rip out your heart and feed it to your son."

I watched as my father struggled to stand. When he made it to his feet he turned and ran out of the room, dragging my sister behind him. Sukuna let out a growl before turning to look at me. As soon as his eyes landed on me he went stiff.

"Dove, why are you crying? Does your cheek hurt?" Sukuna asked as he walked up to me.

He gently cuffed my face as I let out a sob. I shook my head no and he moved his arms to my waist.

"Talk to me." He pleaded as I buried my face into his chest.

"I'm still not pregnant, I was given one job and I can't even do that." I cried out.

He let out a sigh and pulled me closer, pressing a gentle kiss to my head as he held me.

"It will be alright, we will have a child. I promise you that I will not stop bedding you until you are swollen with my heir." He whispered as he pulled me closer.

For the first time, Sukuna was being kind to me and was comforting me. He held me as I cried, not once complaining as my tears ran down his chest. For the first time I felt as if I meant more to him than he let on.

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