Chapter 11

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Five months later

Kōsuke grew faster than I had expected. By the age of five months he was able to walk all in his own. It was almost hard to believe that he was Sukuna's son. Kōsuke was nothing like his father, he was so cheerful. The only way I knew who his father was, was his hair. His hair was a reminder of his father and my past.

"Ma!" Kōsuke whined.

"Kōsuke, what's wrong?" I whispered as I knelt down.

He let out a whine and made grabby hands. I couldn't help but to laugh as I picked him up and cradled him in my arms.

"There there, I have you."

I carried him inside the house and got to work on supper. Or I was about to work on supper when I heard screaming. My heart instantly sunk as I pulled my son closer. I rushed to the window and felt everything crash and burn.

"No." I whispered as I saw people running for their lives.

I saw people walk out of each house as if they were looking for someone. It wasn't until I saw a familiar head of pink hair that I realized who was attacking.

"My lord, she isn't here!" Someone called out.

"Keep looking! I know she is here!" Sukuna yelled, a look of pure hatred on his face.

I held my son to my chest, I tried to calm his tears but it was hopeless. I looked around for any escape, but couldn't find one. I heard the door slam open and spun around to come face to face with Uraume. My grip tightened on my son as I took a step back.

"Lady (Y/n), it's time for you to return home." Uraume said as they stared at me.

"Home? Don't make me laugh. I have no home. Your master has made sure of that!" I spit as I glared at them.

"Please, do not cause any more pain to these people. Do you truly wish for Sukuna to destroy this village?"

I knew that they were right, I knew that if I didn't leave with him that Sukuna would kill everyone here. He'd kill them and then I'd be dragged back to the castle. I heard a cry and let out a sigh as I looked down at my son, who was clinging to me.

"Alright, I'll return." I whispered as I gave a small nod.

Uraume gave me a nod and held the door open for me. I walked past them and stepped outside. As soon as I looked up I met a familiar pair of red eyes, which seemed to bore into my soul. I pulled my son closer and gently rubbed his back.

"Shh, it's alright." I whispered as I tried to calm him.

I heard footsteps and looked up to see Sukuna standing in front of me. I tightened my grip on my son, fear coursing thru me.

Would he kill me? Would he kill me and take my son with him? Or perhaps he would kill our son as punishment for me running away. I half expected to be yelled at, but instead I felt a cloak wrap around me.

"Let's go." He hissed as he led me away.

We made it back to the castle and he ordered Uraume to take my son.

"I won't allow him out of my sight." I hissed as I glared up at Sukuna.

"Hand the child over to them now." He growled as he glared down at me, venom in his voice.

My hands shook as I slowly handed Kōsuke over to Uraume.

"I shall protect the child with my life." They said as they bowed their head.

I went to thank them, but was dragged away. Sukuna pulled me by my arm, leading me to our old room. He threw me inside, a snarl leaving his lips as he stared down at me.

"You dare leave me." He hissed out.

"You do not own me!" I yelled as I crossed my arms over my chest.

He roughly grabbed my chin and forced me to look up at him.

"Oh my dear, but I do! I have owned you since the first time I fucked you! You are mine! Your body is mine! That child is mine!" He yelled as he punched a hole in the wall beside my face.

"Does that mean Yorozu is yours as well?" I growled out.

"What does that whore have to do with any of this?"

"I saw you and her! I saw you kiss her! I know that you were planning on leaving me for her." I yelled as I felt tears stream down my face.

Almost instantly the anger that was on his face washed away and it was as if reality hit him. His face instantly softened as he stared down at me.

"Yorozu is dead."

My eyes went wide as soon as the words left his lips. She was dead, but how? Had she perhaps been killed by some other sorcerer? Had he only went after me because she was killed?

"I killed her about a year ago. I killed her for trying to seduce me." He explained.

"You mean-"

"The same night you ran away, I killed her. I had told her multiple times that you were my wife and that I had no plans of marrying another." He explained.

Tears streamed down my face as I stared up at him in shock.

"You mean... you never planned on-"

"Leaving you, no. I had no intention of ever leaving you."

I covered my mouth as he took a step forward, placing his hand on my hips.

"You foolish woman, how many times must I tell you that I want no one else." He whispered as he pulled me into his arms.

A sob left my lips as I clung to him. He let out a sigh and simply hugged me. I tried to apologize, but he shushed me with a simple kiss to the forehead.

"Now... that this has been taken care of, how about you introduce me to our child?"

I gave him a nod and followed him back to Uraume, who I found being bullied by my five month old.

"Please take him." They pleaded.

I let out a laugh and picked up my son, smiling as he clung to me. I walked over to Sukuna, a little scared that Kōsuke might fear him.

"Kōsuke meet your papa." I whispered as I rubbed my son's back.

My son looked up at Sukuna and tilted his head to the side. A pout formed on his face before he started to make grabby hands, signaling that he wanted to be in his father's arms.

"He wants you to hold him." I explained as I held Kōsuke out to him.

Sukuna slowly reached forward and took the child in his arms. A smile spread across my face as I watched Kōsuke poke his father's cheeks.

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