Chapter 4

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Three hours later

My eyes slid open as I heard footsteps. I turned my head and watched as the door opened, to reveal a pissed off Sukuna. I watched as he stalked into the room, slamming the door shut behind him. Fear coursed thru me as I watched him throw a lamp across the room, shattering it.

"Those bastards! When I get my hands on those traitors-"

A groan left his lips and I watched as he hunched over, holding his side. My heart stopped as I saw him move his hand away, revealing a blood covered hand.

"Damn it!" He hissed as he closed his eyes and slumped forward.

He tightened his grip on the bed post and took in a deep breath of air. I could see from where I was sitting that he had a long gash across his chest, which had to hurt. I slowly rose to my feet and looked from the door to him. With that wound he probably wouldn't be able to catch me if I ran, he's probably be in to much pain. I stared at the open door, a frown on my face.

"I could just walk out." I thought as I balled my hands into a fist.

I heard a thump and quickly turned to see Sukuna's knees give out. He landed on the ground with a groan. My heart stopped as I saw his head hit the ground and his eyes fall shut. I quickly rushed up to him and rolled him onto his back, so that I could look at the damage done. He had a large gash across his chest, multiple cuts on his face and arms. If he was a normal human being he probably would have died from shock. He was covered in blood and sweat and he was gasping for air, I'd give him a couple hours before he died of blood loss. My hands moved away from his body and I rose to my feet, knowing what I should do; I ignored all thoughts of reason and ran out of the room. I ran around the castle looking for anyone that could help.

"Hello!" I called out to a woman.

The woman froze up and quickly fell to the ground, bowing to me.

"My lady, what can I do for you?" She asked as she kept her head down.

"I need some bandages, a rag, and a basin of warm water." I ordered as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Yes ma'am, right away." She jumped to her feet and took off running from me.

"Also get me a needle and thread!" I called out to her.

I'd probably have to stitch up that large gash across his chest. So I should make sure that I had all the supplies I needed. The woman returned and bowed her head to me as she held it out to me. I took it and without any hesitation rushed back to Sukuna, who I found passed out. I soaked the rag in the water while I set up my supplies. Thankfully the woman had given me multiple rags, which would making cleaning his wounds easier. Thankfully the only deadly wound was the large gash across his chest, so if I fixed that up then the rest would be easy. I ran the rag across his chest, gently cleaning around his wounds. A shudder left him as I gently touched his wound.

"Sorry, but this must be done." I whispered as I worked on cleaning the blood up.

The rag was all but soaked in blood when I finished, some of it was probably not even his. I set the rag down and picked up the needle and thread, it wasn't like normal stitching thread; but it would have to do. I threaded the needle and got to work on patching him up. As soon as I dug the needle into his skin, and instantly I felt him jump.

"I'm sorry, normally I'd have something to ease the pain, but I have nothing here." I whispered as I worked on stitching him up.

A groan left his lips as his head fell to the side. He looked horrible, he was lucky to have made it home. I couldn't help but to be angry at his workers, had non of them seen him injured? How could no one help him, were they longing for his death as I was? Or perhaps he had ordered non of them to help him, he seemed like the type to think he couldn't be harmed. I finished stitching him up and then worked on bandaging him. When I was finished I picked up the basin and set it on the night stand. The stitching wasn't any of my best work, but it would stop him from dying. The only hard thing I'd be having to do was get him into the bed. Sukuna was a lot taller than the average human being, and he also had four arms. So that added weight would make this extremely difficult for me.

"I'll have to ask for some help." I thought as I tapped my chin.

I picked up the basin and rushed out of the room, leaving to find someone to help me. I all but ran into a strange person. They had chin-length white hair, an irregular line of dark plum pink running horizontally across the back of their head, and dark pink eyes with long eyelashes. They were wearing a plain monk robe of dark blue, which was white on the innermost layer.

"I'm terribly sorry, but Lord Sukuna needs help." I pleaded as I bowed my head.

"What happen?" They hissed out.

"I don't know, he returned injured. I stitched him up, but he needs to be placed in the bed." I explained.

They followed me to Sukuna's room, their was no emotions on their face; no worry or happiness. They seemed to be emotionless, it was as if they weren't worried about Sukuna at all. We made it to the room and with ease they set Sukuna on his bed.

"I am sure you are hungry, shall we go to the dinning room?" The strange person calmly asked.

"Will he be okay?"

"The wounds won't kill him, he'd of been fine even without the stitches. Though they will help him heal faster."

I gave a nod and bit my bottom lip. I allowed them to lead me out of the room and towards the dinning hall.

"My lady, you may address me as Uraume." They stated with their arms behind their back.

"My lady sounds so formal, please just call me (Y/n)." I grumbled out, a pout on my face.

"Of course, Lady (Y/n)."

"That isn't what I meant." I deadpanned.

I set down at the table and looked around the room, surprised by just how beautiful it was.

"I shall have the cook make you something to eat. I am sure that you are famished."

My stomach let out a growl, as if answering for me. I simply gave a nod and placed my hands on my lap. When Uraume returned they set a plate of noodles down for me.

"Thank you, this looks amazing." I whispered as they poured some wine for me.

"Should you need anything else, you need only ask." They said with a bow of their head.

I ate in silence, my heart racing as I thought of returning to Sukuna. Should he truly be alright, had I been worrying about nothing? His wounds looked so bad, and yet Uraume didn't seem to be worried at all.

"Uraume, when do you think Sukuna will wake up?" I asked with a frown.

"With the extent of his injuries I'd say that it will take at least up until tomorrow morning for him to be back to normal."

"I see, he will most likely be hungry then."

"I'll have the cook whip something special up for him."

"Thank you." I said as I sent them a smile.

They gave me a nod and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I shouldn't care about what happens to Sukuna, he was nothing to me. He was nothing but a monster who stole me from my home and forced me to become his wife.

But then again... he hadn't actually caused me any harm. It was strange how he hadn't injured me in any way. Yes he had forced his way into me, but he could have been rougher. He could have taken me with no regards for my safety and yet he hadn't. The man confused and intrigued me, he was nothing like I had expected and it made me hate him even more than I already did.

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