Chapter 5

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Rough sex, belly bulge, two cocks, face riding, stomach face, degrading kink, breeding kink, biting

A sigh left my lips as I stared down at Sukuna's sleeping form. He looked so peaceful, it was almost hard to believe that he was the King of Curses.

I had quickly finished eating and then returned back to his room, worry having been eating me up inside. Even though Uraume told me that Sukuna would live, I couldn't help but worry.

My eyes started to droop and I let out a groan. I grabbed a pillow off the bed and walked over to the couch, I didn't want to disturb him. My eyes slid shut as I laid my head on the pillow and allowed sleep to over take me. Thought the sweet slumber I had would be roughly woken up by someone shaking me. My eyes snapped open and I shot up straight, I thought that it was perhaps Uraume, but it was actually Sukuna.

My heart stopped as I looked up at him, his eyes were narrowed and he had his arms crossed over his chest.

"Lord Sukuna-"

A squeak left my lips as he gripped my hair, roughly pulling me up.

"You dare to insult me." He hissed as he glared down at me.

"I meant no-"

His grip tightened and he cut me off by dragging me to my feet.

"If I ever catch you a sleep on this couch again, I'll have it burned." He growled out.

My eyes shot open and I stared up at him. He was mad because I had fallen asleep on the couch?

"I... didn't want to disturb you." I whispered as I felt tears stream down my face.

His eyes softened, but only for a second. He let go of my hair before he swept me off me feet. A squeak left my lips as I felt him carry me to the bed. He laid me down and moved to climb in beside me. I watched as his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me to his side. My cheeks turned bright red as I felt him rub his nose against my neck.

I couldn't sleep, my heart was pounding in my chest and it was extremely hard to breath. Sukuna was to soft, to warm and all in all to cuddly. I wanted to push him away from me, but I knew that would only anger him. I tried to wiggle out of his embrace, but he simply pulled me closer.

"Stop moving." He grumbled as he kept his face buried into my neck.

"I can't sleep." I whispered as I squeezed my legs together.

A sigh left his lips and before I knew it he had pulled away from me and rolled onto his back. He rubbed his temples and shot me a glare.

"Perhaps I should tire you out." He mumbled as he used one of his arms to pull me onto his chest.

"My lord, your injuries!"

He didn't seem to care as he tore off my robe, leaving me in the nude. A shiver ran thru me as I felt his hands run up and down my body.

"So beautiful, and all mine." He growled out.

I felt something lick my stomach and my heart stopped. A gasp left my lips as he moved me towards it. I squeezed my legs and a groan left his lips. I felt something start to lick up and down my pussy, causing a whine to leave my lips.

"Such a good girl. Tell me Dove should I reward you for patching me up?" Sukuna teased as he took my wrists in his hands.

All I could do was nod my head as I moved up and down his chest, looking for any type of friction. A laugh left his lips as he used his two free hands to grab my waist. He pulled me off of his chest, causing a whine to leave my lips. Before I could miss the sensation he slammed me down onto his chest. A moan left my lips as I felt something bury itself into my pussy. It went in and out of me on its own, it felt like it was trying to eat my insides.

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