Chapter 7

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Five months later

I let out a sigh as I laid down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. There was nothing for me to do, seeing as Sukuna had left to go deal with some business. Which meant I was on my own until he returned. It was normal for Sukuna to leave for a couple days, leaving me to sit and wait for him. Normally his trip only lasted a few days, but it seemed that this trip was taking over a week. All I wanted was for him to return home, so that I could have someone to talk to; even if it was just us yelling at each other.

"This is so boring." I thought as I laid my hands in my stomach.

I set up and raised my hands into the air, deciding that I should walk around for a bit. I found my way to his throne, a smirk spreading across my face. I knew it was a bad idea, but he'd never know. It was a big rule that I was to never sit on his throne, unless I was sitting on his lap. Sukuna was very stern about his possessions. He didn't like anyone to touch what belonged to him. But thankfully he wasn't here, so I shouldn't have to worry about him finding out.

"He's not going to be pleased." A calm voice said from behind me.

I went stiff as I slowly turned to see Uraume looking down at me.

"Ume... you wouldn't snitch on me... right?" I sheepishly asked.

A sigh left their lips as they crossed their arms over their chest.

"No, I won't tell him." They said as they looked away from me.

"This is why you are my favorite." I said as I hung my feet over the edge of the throne.

A sigh left their lips as they turned and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Before I knew it I found myself drifting off to sleep, my eyes slowly closing. What I hadn't realized was that Sukuna had been on his way home. Sukuna let out a groan as he stomped inside the castle, he was in a fowl mood and simply wanted to go to bed.

"Master, I see that you have returned." Uraume said with a bow of their head.

"Where is (Y/n)? She's always here to greet me." Sukuna hissed as he looked around the room.

"She is... in the throne room." Uraume explained.

"What is she doing in there!? Doesn't she know that she is suppose to greet me!" Sukuna hissed out.

Sukuna's head snapped to the side as his eyes narrowed. Uraume said nothing as Sukuna pushed past them, stomping towards his throne. He had expected me to be doing something stupid, but he hadn't expected to find me fast asleep on his throne. At first he was pissed off, but when his eyes landed in my sleeping face, his anger seemed to vanish.

"Hmm? Already asleep? I didn't think I took that long." Sukuna mumbled as he walked up to me.

His eyes stared down at my sleeping form, a look of confusion crossed his face. He said nothing as he tore off his robe and placed it over my sleeping form. He quietly set down in front of my sleeping body. A small smile snuck it's way onto his face as he leaned forward and moved his hand to my face, gently cuffing my face. I turned in my sleep a little as I felt him move a strand of hair out of my face.

"Look at you, asleep on my throne." He said as he let out a chuckle.

I felt something move under my body, and pick me up. My arms quickly flew up and I wrapped them around his neck. I couldn't help but to slowly open my eyes, smiling as I met his gaze.

"Sukuna?" I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes.

He carried me thru the hallways, his eyes never leaving my face. I cuddled into his chest, a sigh leaving my lips.

"What where you dreaming of, little dove?" He asked as he walked past a group of servants.

"You." I mumbled as I felt my eyes slowly close.

"Was it a good dream?"

"The best.... You came home." I mumbled as I buried my face into his chest.

A chuckle left his lips, having realized that I still thought I was sleeping.

"Go to sleep. I shall be here in the morning." He whispered as he kissed the top of my head.

"Kuna." I grumbled as I squirmed imagine his arms.

"What is it, love?" He teased as he rubbed his hand up and down my back.

"When you get back.... can we fuck?" I groggily grumbled out, a pout on my face.

A laugh left his lips as he shook his head.

"What happen to my innocent little dove?" He teased as he walked into our room.

"You corrupted her, you heartless bastard." I grumbled as my eyes slid shut.

I felt him press a kiss to my forehead as my eyes slid shut, and I fell fast asleep.

"Don't worry, I promise when you wake up... I'll take you over and over again. I'll fuck you until you can only think of me." He whispered as he laid down beside me, his arms wrapping around me.

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