Chapter 15

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Present day

By the time Gojo finished reading, there wasn't a dry eye, even Maki, who along with her second year classmates came, had a tear running down her face.

"That was horrible, who would do such a cruel thing like that!" Yuji exclaimed.

"Her brother."

"My grandfather!"

"Yes, you see she had everything he wanted, and had no way of gaining Sukuna's power. He hated that the youngest of his family had so much, while they struggled, and so he took action. He killed the staff and he killed (Y/n). Luckily her children survived." Gojo said as he leaned back against the desk.

"But what happen to them?"

"That's a story for another time." Gojo teased as he slammed the book shut.

"How did Sukuna take it? Finding out about his home being burned down and his wife's death?" Nobara asked thru tears.

"No one knows. Sukuna was killed the same day."

"What!" They all exclaimed.

"Yep, Sukuna died that very night. While he and Uraume traveled they were attacked. Sukuna was killed."

"Wow, those kids were left alone to find for theirselves. How did they survive?" Panda asked in shock.

"It wasn't easy." A gentle voice said with a laugh.

Everyone turned, eyes wide as they saw a pink haired girl with (eye color) eyes.

"But we made do. Probably wouldn't have survived without Kōsuke." She said as she leaned against the doorframe.

"Ah, Hikari you're late." Gojo teased the young woman.

"Wait you're-"

"Hikari Sukuna, only daughter of Ryomen Sukuna." She said cutting Yuji off.

"I'm confused, how is she alive?" Nobara asked in shock.

"Her technique is reincarnation." Megumi grumbled as he looked out the window.

"Gumi, sweetie you forgot your lunch." She cooed as she rushed to him and held it out for him.

"Gumi?" Yuji and Nobara asked with a giant grin.

Megumi let out a sigh as his cheeks turned bright red.

"She's... my adopted mother. She took me and my sister in when my sister's mother passed away." Megumi grumbled out.

"It's so nice to finally meet you all. I've been dying to come, but someone wouldn't let me." Hikari said as she shot Megumi a glare.

"Why are you here, Kari?" He grumbled out.

"You forgot your lunch and so did Gojo." She said as she pulled out another bag.

Gojo rushed up to her, kissing her cheek as he took it from her.

"Thank you sweetie!"


"Guys meet my ever so beautiful wife." Gojo said as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

She waved to the class as they all stared at her in shock.

"You're married?" Yuji asked in shock.

"Did she have no other options?" Nobara grumbled out.

Gojo's face fell as Hikari covered her mouth, holding back a laugh as he pouted.

"Hey! I'll have you know I am a catch!"

"Yea a catch that you throw back." Hikari teased.

"Kari! Why are you so my mean to me!" Gojo whined as he moved to hug her.

Hikari let out a laugh as she side stepped his hug. Gojo fell to the ground as she turned and walked up to Yuji.

"So you're the vessel for my old man." She teased.

"Um- Yes ma'am." He said with a nod.

"Do me a favor, tell him that we didn't suffer. Kōsuke and I lived a long life. He got married and had a family, while I traveled the world... and later on I found my soulmate." She said with a small smile.

"I will." Yuji said as he smiled up at her.

She gave him a nod before she turned to Gojo.

"Aren't you suppose to be watching our child?" Hikari asked with a frown.

Gojo's smile instantly faded and he went stiff.


"Satoru Gojo! I swear I'm going to kill you!" She yelled as she rushed after him.

The whole class laughed as they watched her chase him out of the room, not realizing that while inside of Yuji; Sukuna was crying. He was crying as he thought of his wife and thought of everything he missed. Apart of him longed for death, and the chance to see his beloved again, but he couldn't die until he had his revenge.

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