Chapter 1: Ice Princess

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Spring break was just a week away, thank god, it was about time I took a break from all the hectic schedules and work. Stress was slowly picking at me like bugs scavenging on their meal, and I would wake up with my eyes slightly bloodshot, and under my eyelids, were bags that made me look like a panda every morning. Every. Damn. Morning. I've been non-stop planning this trip to Japan in what seems like forever now, and it's finally time to put all my savings into good use.

As the alarm clock forcefully takes me to my wake, I sluggishly sit up with my jungle of hair awake and alive. My face looked like a zombie zoning off into space, but I was already so use to it by now, and besides, this was the last agonizing morning to face until I finally escape out of my amazingly boring life for at least a month.

Right now, I'm just a business woman, working as a full time intern at a fashion company downtown, and to be honest, I would rather run a fashion company rather than work for it. One saying I would always say when it comes to doing what I love is fashion is my passion, dorky I know, but in my opinion it's one of the most cleverest sayings I've ever said to myself.

I un-break myself from the comfort and warmth of my blanket and bed and lazily head downstairs to make breakfast. My eyes were still practically glued together, that it almost looked like I was sleep-walking rather than actually being awake consciously pouring my cereal and milk. I felt a sudden rush of a cold liquid hit my toes, and the shivers crept through my spine fully waking me up. It was the milk I had spilled all over the table, now all over the floor. "Damn it," I say to myself as I grab something to wipe it off with.

A ring from my telephone goes off and a voice message starts to play, it's from my boss, Mr. Wesley.

"Stephanie, where the hell are you? Do you have any idea how damn late you are?"

He gives out a deep sigh then continues.

"We have very important business moguls from all over the world coming over to look at our new exhibit opening up today. You better be listening to me Stephanie, and don't roll your eyes at me, you have ten minutes, ten minutes I tell you!!!"

Then, the message ends. I swear Mr. Wesley never learns how to just chill.

I quickly gobble up my cereal, zoom straight into the bathroom, took a shower, put on my pink spring dress, curled my hair, put on my makeup, and last but not least, put on my pink lipstick. It was times like these where I'm shocked myself that I manage to do all that in such short time.

I zoom out the door with my purse, sketch pad, and car keys and scurry over to my car. I unlock the doors and race off, ready to face the same familiar fury of Mr. Wesley himself.


I finally pull over at the museum that the exhibit was taking place at and see two beefy looking men guard the front.

"Um, excuse me miss no guests allowed today," One guard said.

"No no no! You don't understand, I work at the company that's holding the exhibit today. My boss told me tha-"

I was cut short by the sight of a tall, slim old man wearing a sharp gray suit standing behind the two rock built guards.

"Ms. Hwang, you're late," he says bluntly.

"Ha! See I told you!" I say immaturely to the two muscly guards, sticking out my tongue out at them like a five year old.

"Oh just come in!" Mr. Wesley exclaims, pulling me inside, forcefully being pushed through the guards by the old man's grip.

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