Chapter 10: Mission Make Taeyeon Tiffany's Pt. 1

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Tiffany's POV

     I hear a door open and a quiet little shuffling of feet walk down the hallway. It was Taeyeon looking even more cute with her PJs on, and in her arms were the first aid kit and the spare clothes for me to wear.

    "Hi... Sorry I took a bit too long, I just uh get distracted at times haha..." Taeyeon says as she sets down the first aid kit and set of clothes on the table in front of me.

    "Oh it's okay Taeyeon-ssi, hehe," I embarrassingly let out a little giggle, now mentally face palm myself at how childish I probably looked just now. But, Taeyeon instead just smiles at me kindly, melting me once again.

    "Okay so, well you're gonna have to take off your clothes the-"

    "Wait what?" I cut her off, not believing my ears.

   "Take off your clothes. The two guys seemed to have injured you pretty badly so I'm gonna have to see all the damage made... I-if that's okay with you of course haha..." I immediately start to blush profusely, oh my god... What do I do?!

    "Hey, if you feel uncomfortable I'll just let you-"

    "Okay." I simply replied, when deep down I knew I was about to explode any time soon.

Taeyeon's POV

    God, Tiffany you're really killing me.


Tiffany's POV

    "Alright just settle down on the couch and take off your coat," Taeyeon explains then I start unbuttoning my coat, but Taeyeon seemed to be focused on the first aid kit. Hmm, should I just start making her notice me now? No, just keep it slow and subtle Hwang. I start planning out different tactics in my head that possibly might get Taeyeon to start falling for me... But what if she already is falling for me? What if it's love at first sight for her too? Okay, calm and steady, breathe in and out. Just go with the flow. As soon as I shrug off my coat, I reveal my simple white t-shirt underneath which was quite thin so it was see-through a little bit. Now Taeyeon has settled her eyes upon me, and it seemed like she froze for a second so I started waving my hand in front of her face to get her attention.

    "Hello? Taeyeon-ssi?"

    "H-huh? Oh yeah right sorry," Taeyeon snaps back into reality and gets back to the first aid kit.

    "Hmm, well your arms seem fine enough... But here take off your shirt so that I can clearly see any injuries on your body," Taeyeon calmly says, like this is completely the most comfortable thing in the world even though we've just met. I take in a big gulp and lift my arms up along with the fabric. Then, Taeyeon kept staring again, but with her mouth slightly agape, and her eyes glued to... Oh my god... Is she looking at... Omo! I immediately cover my chest up, even though I was wearing a bra, I was so embarrassed.

    "Oh god I'm sorry, I didn't mean to seem like a weird to you... I-I didn't meant it I swear I-I was just l-looking for-"

    "I-it's okay." Oh my god! Who knew she was bit of a perv!

    "O-Okay well d-do you want me to keep going?" Taeyeon asks carefully, looking at me with deep, caring, and apologetic eyes, I could never say no to that.

    "Yes, it's fine... I-I do feel some pain around here," I point to the right side of my abdomen which was cut and scarred pretty badly.

    "Oh man, here this might sting a little," Taeyeon takes a cotton ball and gently dabs it onto my wound, making me scrunch my face up in pain at the sharp stinging.

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