Chapter 13: Setting Them Up

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Tiffany's POV

I couldn't face Taeyeon in the eye at that point, so I just walked out. Inside, I honestly felt like I wanted to cry but at the same time I was mad at the sight of Taeyeon and Sunny being playful like that. Aish~ stop being so dramatic Tiff! She isn't even yours... And she probably never will. Just like that, I felt tears start to threateningly fall until a voice disrupted my thoughts.

"Hey, Tiffany unnie, you okay?" The tall girl beside me asked.

"Yes, Yoona-ssi I-I'm okay." I didn't look at Yoona in fear of letting the tears falls unexpectedly and having Yoona worry about me.

"You seem down, tell me."

"I-It's fine it's nothing really, I can't handle myself okay?" I accidentally blurt out accidentally. Luckily, Seohyun didn't notice my off behavior since she was too distracted with her toy. Yoona doesn't respond, instead she kneels in front of Seohyun and whispers some things into her ear. Seohyun just nods and skips back towards Sunny who was walking behind us.

"Okay Tiffany unnie, now tell me. I know we're pretty new to each other, but you seem like you need someone to talk to." Yoona shines her bright smile at me.

"O-okay, well I guess you'll be the first person to tell." Yoona nods.

"W-well... I-I have a c-crush."

"Ooh love trouble?!? Tell me!" Yoona says almost as jumpy as Sunny is.

"Shush!" I try to quiet her down making sure Sunny and Taeyeon notice.

"Sorry, hehe,"

"Okay, this crush well..." Yoona just stares at me beaming and waiting anxiously for me to say something.

"I-It's a girl." I look away quickly scared of what Yoona will think of me since Korea isn't the place that embraces gays very well. Wait, but was I lesbian? Maybe so, but only for Taeyeon.

"Ahh okay so you swing that way too?" Yoona just casually asks much to my surprise.

"Y-You don't think lowly of me?" I stutter.

"No, why would I think lowly of you?"

"W-well c-cause..."

"Not all Koreans are like that Tiffany unnie, and it's okay because I'm one too."

"Y-you are?!?" I question, seemingly too surprised.

"Ne! Why? Is there something wrong?" Yoona inquires.

"N-no it's just that... You seem too pretty to be lesbian that's all." I twiddle with my fingers afraid to look Yoona in the eyes.

"That's... Totally not true."


"It doesn't really matter who you love, and looks don't determine everything, not even sexuality, but hey, I guess it's just all in the eye of the beholder right?" Yoona smiles her widest smile, instantly sending warmth all over my body.

"Y-yeah, I guess you're right."

"On the surface, we may seem like one thing, but inside, we're something else. So, Tiffany unnie it's okay that you're still confused because I was once like you, but ever since I met Seohyun-"

"Seohyun? Your daughter?" I look at her questioningly.

"Um... N-no n-not that Seohyun, the other Seohyun." Another Seohyun? Now, I was definitely confused.

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