Chapter 5: The Mistake... And Her

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"Umma!" I suddenly hear the little girl yell. She finally lets go of my firm grip and runs towards a very beautiful grown woman. A long red overcoat covers her tall slender body, and her face never seemed to age with time, instead it still had that youthful feel to it at first glance. I immensely admired her features, from her pure doe like eyes staring back at me, to her soft smile shimmering along with her gentle beauty. She seriously reminds me so much like her, I say in my head immediately thinking of my mother whenever I would look at pictures of her when she was in high school, this moment only made me even more eager to get to those cherry blossoms.

I walk closer to the two, but also keeping my distance while they have their little reunion.

"Umma! Unnie helped me find you! She's so pretty right Umma?" The little girl says, flattering me with her kind words.

"Indeed she does Seobaby," the woman smiles, while I smile kindly back.

"Thank you so much for staying with her and finding her for me, I was so worried I shouldn't have been so careless," she silently scolds herself, while I just keep flashing my eye smile signaling that it's okay.

"Oh it's no problem really, she just bumped into me crying and I just had to help," I respond back.

"Oh okay, well thanks anyways,"

"Pardon me for asking but what's your name?" I ask her.

"Oh, my name is Im Yoona, and this little one here is Seo Juhyun, but you can just call her Seohyun," she says ruffling the little girl's hair.

"What's Unnie's name?" Seohyun asks.

"My name is Tiffany Hwang, nice to meet you," I say brightly, flashing my eye smile at her, while the petite girl beams up at me.

"You're really pretty Unnie! Lets play?" Seohyun innocently asks, making me melt at her cuteness.

"I would love to but I have a flight to catch," I say.

"Well then how about I give you my number she seems to love you already, maybe we can be good friends. I mean you did help find my daughter, so I guess the least I could do is repay you back," Yoona says, smiling down at her daughter.

"Sure! I'm actually going to Japan for a vacation but I'll be moving to Korea afterwards for a job,"

"Jinjja? We're actually going back to Korea today from a vacation here in the States. We will see each other then," Yoona illuminates the whole airport up with her bright smile that was wide as an alligator. As she smiled, what shown beneath her pure doe eyes were bags that formed as her lips curved pushing her baby-like cheek bones up, accentuating her unique yet heart-melting little eye smile of her own.

"Great! That'll be perfect! I'll see you then!" I say quite excitedly with a big eye smile.

"Alright, well Seobaby, it's time to say goodbye to Unnie okay?" Yoona assures leaning down to the cute little girl's level.

"Aww but I want to stay with Unnie more!" Seohyun whines.

"But Unnie will be late for her flight,"

"Then, after that can I see Unnie again?" Seohyun says, looking up at Yoona with puppy dog eyes.

"Yes of course you will see Unnie again,"

"Yay!!! I'll see you soon Unnie!" Seohyun hugs my waist, while I just stand there for a second quite surprised, but then hug her back with a smile.

"I'll see you soon Seohyun," I say, patting the girl's head.

"Alright! Let's go Seobaby," Yoona finally says after giving me her number.

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