charming prince blue

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Adrien what are you doing?

He leans color and closer, her skin tingles as his cheek slightly grazes her's.

She sees as Adrien's eyes flicker momentarily to Luka, a devious smile creeping on his lips as he closes the final distance between them.

"Have funn." Adrien purrs, his soft breath tickling her ear.

And in that instant he leaps back onto his feet, pats Luka on the back, and struts away.

She watches, dumbfounded, as the distance between them grows further.

His silhouette turns one last time, he gives her a bow, and then proceeds to suavely walk away. There was a sway to his step, she could easily imagine a cat's tail swishing behind him.

Her lips form into a soft smile. Thanks kitty.

Her gaze returns to Luka, whom has not stopped looking at her. His blue eyes roam over her, her face, down her arms, up her legs, taking in every part of her, carefully looking for any injury. She feels he's face flush and suddenly gets the feeling she wants to hide.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Luka asks.

Marinette nods. "Yeah, I think so."

"Where does it hurt? If anywhere?"

"Um, I just got my breath knocked out of me, but honestly my left side kind of hurts." She looks down at the area in question, right below her rib there was a soft throbbing.

Luka's face again crowds with worry. He lets one hand off her shoulders and moves it to Marinette's side, stopping inches away.

He looks up at her, waiting for her to meet his gaze.

"May I?" He whispers.

She feels her breath hitch and her face burn as it flushes even more. A nervous knot starts to grow as she nods yes.

His eyes look down to his hand as he gently places his palm over her rib. She feels the familiar tingles of his touch spread.

"Tell me if anything hurts."

He gently presses on her rib and slowly starts sliding his fingers down to her waist. His eyes are dead set on his work, which is a good thing because she was probably tomato red at this point. She just hoped he couldn't feel the storm of butterflies in her belly.

Suddenly Luka gets to the area near her hip where a shot of pain causes her to jolt. He quickly removes his hand and she freezes. I miss his touch.

"May I see?" Luka asks, his eyes not leaving the injured area.

If Marinette wasn't red before she defiantly was now. Her face was about to go numb.

She nods, remembers he isn't looking at her, and then stammers a yes.

Luka's finger trace the edge of her shirt, his finger tips slightly grazing her skin. She wanted to scream.

Then he gently lifts up the hem to just reveal the sensitive spot, nothing more. And yet Marinette for some reason felt so naked, which is a silly thought but she was so embarrassed that he was looking at her normally hidden skin.

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