adrian and luka

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[ Marinette POV ]

There he was.


He was laughing, his cheeks rosy as he does so. His left arm rises to rest behind his mess of golden hair.


Adrian takes a deep breath, his dazzling smile now hides behind perfect lips as he gazes at her.


"What's wrong?" He asks, his voice like twinkling jewels.

His eyebrows bend, and his lips form a soft pout. He walks up to her and places a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't you like me?" He asks, hurt evident in his voice.

"YES! Wait no....I mean of course I like you but not like THAT, or maybe I kinda do? NO, NO. No I mean.....I think so? UGH."

Marinate turns around and sits down, putting her head in her hands.

Oh come on! Wasn't her heart set on Luka just a while ago? But there he was, Adrien, standing before her, and just as quickly her heart drops at the sight of him. That wasn't fair. That wasn't fair at all. This wasn't fair. Why must her heart long for Adrien when someone like Luka was with her?

"I am an adult now and still acting like a total fool." She mutters, "I don't know what to do with myself."


His voice sounds like the smooth strum of a guitar.

She didn't have to look up to know it was Luka.

She looks up at him, and feels her heart swell. He looks at her with his steady gaze, holding her up without having to touch her.

Gone are all thoughts of Adrien. Only Luka.

"Don't you like me?" He asks, his whisper giving away his hurt.

"Oh Luka....."

She did. She did like him. A lot. She liked him, she wanted him to have everything. He deserved everything. She could see herself with him. He made her happy.


Suddenly Adrien appears in Luka's place, he takes a step towards her.

"Kiss me."

Then she sees Luka. He rises, his hood falling over his head as he takes his guitar off his shoulder.

Luka turns to look at me.

I take a step closer.

"Kiss me."

[ by: @catneylang ]

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[ by: @catneylang ]

Reaching for the edge of his hood, Adrien pulls Luka in for a kiss.


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