attack of the squealing girls

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Marinette smiles wide, stretching her arms at her sides while taking a deep breath of nice, refreshing air.

Saturday morning, fresh out of work, free to do whatever she pleases for the rest of the day.

Marinette waits to hear the door close behind her before picking up her folder and starting to make her way down the sidewalk.

This is great! This is better than great! Oh she can't wait! She probably looks like a goof, smiling so widely and almost skipping down the street; but she can't help it, she is just too exited!

Why? Well, because, currently, at that exact very moment, in her room, on her bed, lies the never before seen, one of a kind, fashion genius, limited edition movie: Gabriel Agreste: A Fashion Legend.

Wanting to be a designer herself, Marinette has always looked up to this man. But that isn't the only reason why she is dying to watch it. The movie not only tells of how Mr. Agreste came to be who he is, but shows various clips of the photography sessions taken for his magazines. Which means that the fashion legend's son and model, the one and only, Adrien Agreste, will be a frequent image on the screen. And considering that this boy has been her crush ever since middle school, almost nothing, nothing, beats the thought of seeing Adrien in high quality on her TV screen.

Nothing can stop her from getting home now.

Except, maybe, a swarm of squealing girls.

Marinette almost gets pushed onto the street when around twenty girls force their way through the small space between her and the wall, forcing her to the edge of the sidewalk.

With her balance lost she starts flailing her arms desperately trying not to fall; not only because it would hurt, but because she can hear the sound of a motor and tires on the road. A car is approaching, meaning that right now isn't exactly the most convenient time to be falling face first onto the pavement.

But her flailing isn't enough, Marinette starts feeling herself tilt and start to fall when suddenly a hand grasps her by the arm, yanking her back towards the sidewalk just in time for her to miss getting hit.

With the yank, Marinette stumbles forward, running into a hard surface.

Or, better said, a hard body.

Marinette stares at a chest and immediately jumps back with a small shriek.

The person that saved her is a man. She feels her face heat up.

However, that's all she's able to do because in that second, the man, who is still grabbing her by the arm, is suddenly pulling her down the side walk and around the bend. Still not having been able to gain her balance from before, Marinette yelps at the action and tries not to fall as she trips and stumbles behind him

Then she gets tugged to the side: her view of the street, cars, and sidewalk gone, replacing it instead with the view of a building's wall.

An alleyway. She is in an alleyway.

Her shoulder touches the opposite wall -which she uses to compose herself- and she is about to spin around and flee when soft breath tickles her ear.

"Cool guitar pick mamaMarinette."

Marinette freezes in her spot.

Marinette freezes in her spot

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