running in the rain

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[ Luka POV ]

"You don't mind getting a little wet, do you?"

Marinette's eyebrows come together in confusion, then she realizes what the comment means as her eyes trail up to the sky.

Luka looks up as well. The clouds are now a dark grey, looking heavy and just about ready to pour.

He had noticed them before, but he was hoping the clouds would just pass. He wanted to spend more time with Marinette.

Why wouldn't the weather cooperate with him the one day he needed it to?

Luka looks down and back again at his funny girl.

Her blue bell eyes search the sky, they take in the shape and colors of the clouds in a way he knows he never could. She is another kind of artist. As a designer, she plays her music through needle and thread, colors and fabrics.

Once she feels his stare her eyes snap to meet his. The sky forgotten, their gaze lock onto each other.

He likes her.

Gosh dang it he really likes her.

The thought doesn't surprise Luka. He has always felt something for Marinette, but he has never tried putting it into words. Or thoughts.

It feels good; it feels right.

But in that moment another idea blossoms in his mind, an idea that makes his heart race like never before.

It is a simple one, yet it complicates everything.

Tell Marinette you like her.

It's such an attractive thought too. His heart leaps and his tongue already has the words formed in his mouth. He just has to open up and say them.

He wants to tell her.

But at the same time, he can't?!?

Luka isn't dumb. He knows Marinette had feelings for another when he left many years ago. But come on. It's been years! She can't really still be into him?

She has to like him back. Right? At least a little bit? The way they talk and laugh together, the way she can read him so easily, how she knows exactly how to comfort him, how they gaze at each other.

That kind of connection can't be faked. It can't be ignored.

She can't think that they are just friends.

Can she?

The more Luka thinks about it, the more he realizes how short they are on time.

How short he is on time.

There's a chance that she likes him back and he has to take it. He has to take it because he will never be able to tell her again.

He has to do it.

He has to tell her.


Her blue eyes widen, her eyebrows lifting. Her pigtails slightly sway in the soft breeze. Her small, yet strong figure is attentive, ready for him. Ready for what he has to say.

"Marinette I-"

Suddenly Luka and Marinette jump as rain starts pouring on them.

Marinette let's out a squeal and jumps off the pillar they were sitting on.

Of course. The rain.

Thank you, weather. 

"Oh my gosh it's raining!" Marinette exclaims in panic. She turns left and right, her eyes frantically jumping around, her arms are in a frenzy by her sides and her legs can't stop moving.

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