man hunt

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"Gurl, you are so seriously screwed."

Marinette groans, pressing her face into the pillow she is holding.

Oh she knows. Her eyes feel puffy and her vision is still blurry. Her head feels light, and she can't seem to get up from the floor.

So she lays there with her head resting on her best friend Alya's lap.

During her total breakdown, Alya had coincidentally called her to ask her a question, but on hearing Marinette's broken voice, she rushed over as soon as possible.

She is her literal guardian angel.

Alya leans down and hugs Marinette to her, a soft giggle escaping her throat.

"There, there's ok. You're ok. I got you. But you have to tell me, what in the world has got you crying like this?" Alya says, pushing her brown glasses back up her nose.

Marinette slowly uncovers her face with her pillow. She lets out a little sniff.

"Well," Marinette croaks, "it's just that...I'm just...I'm going to be forever alone!" Marinette wails, throwing her face back into the pillow and racking out sobs that shake the entire room.

"Oh Marinette, don't tell me Adrien did something to you."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO." Marinette wails again.

Marinette could practically hear Alya's grin when she says, "Oh, so he didn't do anything? Lol, what was I thinking? Of course he didn't do anything. This is dumb banana head Adrien we're talking about."

Marinette frowns, sits up, and slams the pillow in Alya's face before laying back down on her lap.

"I'll let you know, Alya, that bananas are full of potassium and contain good levels of protein and dietary fiber."

Alya laughs and leans her elbows on Mari's side so she can look at the bluenette's face.

"Gurlllll. You are so crazy for him that you even memorized banana facts." 

Marinette let's out a small smile.

Yeah. She did didn't she? She does love a good banana. But you know what she's been craving recently?


Marinette groans, reaches for the pillow, and covers her face again.

She can hear Alya sigh in frustration.

"Oh my gosh Marinette what is it?!?! You are acting like a cheesy fan fiction about a girl that's conflicted about two guys or something like that, but the one that she was falling for ends up having to move away or something cliche like that."

Marinette slowly uncovers her face and peeps at Alya from behind the pillow with big round eyes.

Alya had been looking at the far wall but feels Marinette's eyes on her. Her gaze moves from the wall to meet hers and take in Marinette's alarmed expression. Her eyebrows raise in confusion. 

"What?" Alya asks.

Marinette's expression doesn't change.

Alya then laughs, her eyes closing shut and her glasses almost falling off her nose when she doubles back. She giggles and  wipes a small tear from her eye. Her smile is big when she looks down at Marinette again, only to have her smile slowly turn into a frown.  Alya's voice sounds sour.

"Oh're serious?"

Marinette nods.

"Of course, of all people, you are in this situation." Alya takes a deep breath and slowly shakes her head, leaning into her hand in a soft face palm. 

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