more light and light; more dark and dark our woes

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[ Luka POV ]

His heart was beating a million times a minute, his hands held her firmly, but he dare press no harder, for what he currently held in his arms was something so precious to him.

She was still on his lap, her head coming to rest on his shoulder after their moment of passion. His lips still tingled with the ghost of her soft lips against his.

She lay against the crook of his neck, fitting ever so perfectly, as usual.

He is so happy.

He felt as if that one missing piece he has been feeling vacant in him for so long has finally been filled.

Luka's eyes shift down to where they rest on Marinette once more.

He watches her chest slowly rise and fall, how her body comes into sight and shines a warm yellow with the passing of a headlight before it disappears back into darkness just as fast as it came.

He will never let her go.

Can never let her go.

He wasn't sure if Marinette belonged to him, he didn't know if she was his soulmate, or if Marinette truly felt the same way, but all he did know was that he wanted this girl in his life forever, and that he would make sure she never left it again.

The car comes to a soft halt, and when Luka looks out the window he sees that they have arrived to his hotel.

The chofer gets up from the front and comes around to open the door. Luka gently fixes Marinette in his arms before he lifts her out of the car.

With a quiet thank you, he makes his way inside, trying not to get distracted by the beautiful bluenette in his arms. He carefully goes to the elevator and clicks on the button for his floor.

He didn't know if what he was doing was right. It wasn't right to kidnap a girl to your hotel while she was asleep. But he also couldn't take her home, not right now.

Not when he felt that he finally had her.

Besides, her parents aren't home, and he wasn't going to do anything to her. Marinette was safe with him.

The elevator dings and the doors slide open to reveal a long carpet leading to his residential suite.

It's not something he had personally requested, but his manager seemed to always want to "get him the best" to "make him happy."

How what he truly needed was much less expensive than everything given to him, but a lot more valuable.

He arrives to his door, opens it, and proceeds to walk to his bedroom.

He lays Marinette on his bed, and being that it was the middle of winter, he makes sure to tuck her in nicely under the covers before he kisses her forehead goodnight.

He then proceeds to move to the couch, located just a few feet away from the bed, where he changes to more comfortable clothes, grabs a thick blanket from the closet, and lays down to sleep.

Marinette was in the same room as him.

She was sleeping in the same room as him.

He reddens at his thoughts, he is a grown man for crying out loud. This was no big deal.

It was just Marinette.

Yet when he thinks this he can't stop himself from smiling and looking over at the silhouette resting on his bed.

He loves that.

He loves that she is sleeping on his bed.

What the heck Luka get a grip.

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