broken love

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[ Marinette's POV ]

Luka takes a deep breath.

"Well, I guess... it all started at home."

But that's all Luka can get out. He stops, his voice trailing off. His eyes shake and start to get glassy. Marinette noticed his attempt to hide his tearing eyes by lowering his lashes.

Oh Luka. Marinette already feels really flattered that, of all people, he is going to share his story with her. But this wasn't right.

Looking at him now, gripping his guitar, struggling to keep himself under control, he looks alone. And his face, his soft facial features now tense as if he is afraid of what her reaction will be.

But can't he see? Can't he see he isn't alone? That he can trust her. She is with him now. Marinette's heart beats for Luka. She has to show him that he is not alone, which is the hard part.

She knows what she has to do.

With a quick burst of courage, she scoots closer to Luka so she is pressed against his chest. Although it's only his side, she can feel Luka's lean body against her back. The warmth coming from his touch is soothing against the chilling breeze. She didn't even realize she was cold until she felt his warmth.

Marinette also reaches out and places her hand over his in what she hopes is a comforting gesture. She needs him to know that he is not alone. That he can trust her.

Marinette feels Luka tense at her sudden actions, but then he slowly relaxes. His hand turns, his finger finding their way between hers so that they lace together.

Her eyes widen a fraction and she looks up at Luka. His eyes aren't on hers though, they are focused on their joined hands. Marinette looks back down. Her hand was so small compared to his, yet they fit so well. Marinette feels tingles shoot up her arm when Luka's thumb starts moving, he grazes Mari's skin softly, carefully. As if he presses any harder, she might break.

Marinette hears Luka swallow, making her turn and look at him again. He is still looking at their hands. He nods slowy.

His voice is low, if Marinette wasn't sitting so close she wouldn't have heard a word he said.

"My father and mother...they have been together for the longest time. They were in love...they were supposed to be in love."

Luka's voice starts to break a bit and Marinette sees him close his eyes. His grip on Marinette's hand tightens a fraction. Marinette squeezes his hand back.

Luka's eyelids open to reveal his sparkling blue eyes. Emotions whirl in their depths, too many for him to control. He looks up to the sky as if the grey clouds could help him control his feelings.

"My dad started to change." Luka becomes silent for a few seconds as if gathering his bearings. "His words became harsher. His actions more violent. He loved my mom so whoely, I know he did, yet the way he spoke to her, the way he broke her, it just....i couldn't just...."

Luka stops, his eyes looking down from the sky. He turns to look at Marinette. There is so much feeling, so much hurt and pain and so much shame. Shame for who? For his dad? His mom?

For himself?

Luka stays facing her, but he lowers his eyes. His voice is a whisper, as if he isn't supposed to be speaking these words.

"One night, I woke up to harsh yelling and I got up and saw my father screaming at my mum. She was crying, but he didn't care. He kept on insulting her and us and everything we have spent so many years building up carefully. Then he left. My sister had woken up too, and apparently heard everything as well. I just hugged her, and comforted her...telling her it was ok, that they were fighting a bit that's all. But I knew better. I knew...I know that love...this thing this's all a lie. It's all fake."

Although it's a whisper his voice is growing strong and harsh. It's the whisper of a man in pain.

"How dare people speak and write and draw and sing of love, praising it as the ultimate achievement, when in reality, it doesn't exist?"

Marinette is quiet. She glances at Luka to see a single tear rolling down his left cheek. Marinette's heart squeezes and she carefully reaches her arms around him and presses him to her in a hug.

She feels Luka's beating heart, she feels his long controlled breaths. She feels his pain. She feels his loneliness. She feels his heartbreak.

"Since that day, things weren't the same."

His voice is broken, betraying the feelings he is working so hard to keep hidden.

"I kept my distance from people, staying in my room whenever I could. The only exception was when your friends came to help that one day. I don't know why I did but, besides that, I just...I just don't really care anymore."

Luka goes quiet again. He takes a few deep breaths as he tries to get his emotions back together.

"One day I left to the park to play music, and coincidentally, a man found me. He said I had talent and wanted to talk to me about writing a contract." Luka now turns his head up so that is once again faces the sky.

"After a week of secretly planning, I just...left. I know it was wrong but...I was just so pissed. I felt so lied to. I don't expect people to understand but...I just had to do it. I had to leave."

Marinette nods against him. She may not agree, but she understands and accepts his actions non the less.

"Since that day, I haven't allowed myself to sing of love. My own small form of protest I guess."

Marinette notices that he is slightly embarrassed by the red that tints his ears and cheeks, but at the same time, Luka's other hand has turned into a fist, and his gaze has turned hard.

They are quiet for a while.

Marinette doesn't know if it's the right time to speak. She doesn't know if her voice will crack or break from the feelings she has whirling inside her right now. But she wants to put him at ease, and she knows the only way to do that is through what he loves most.


"What if..." Marinette starts, "you don't have to sing?"

Luka's eyes turn to meet her's. They look at each other for a while when he finnaly sighs. He smiles a little and fixes his guitar in his grip.

"Your right, I don't have to sing. And technically it's not even a song."

Luka glances at Marinette with a defeated look.

"Alright Marinette, you win this time."

Marinette can't stop the smile that emerges on her lips and the giddiness that suddenly arises inside her.

Luka adjusts his hands on his guitar and starts playing the familiar tune. Marinette smiles and closes her eyes, her head swaying. It's almost as if she were hearing it for the first time, it had the same magic.

And so together, the two teens peacefully listened to the tune of Luka's guitar. Their hearts beat to the same rhythm, but both, for different reasons, turn deaf to the sound.

At the end of the song, Marinette opens her eyes and looks at Luka. He is looking back at her.

They stare at each other when suddenly Luka looks away. His eyes trail up to the sky again, where the once grey clouds have now turned dark and heavy. Marinette realizes the sky is dark, the few light still seeping through casts a blue hue onto the city buildings and streets.

Then she feels it. A small drop of water lands on her nose. Luka looks down at her and gently rubs off the water off with his thumb.

Luka's voice turns amused.

"You don't mind getting a little wet, do you?"


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