how to flatter a guitar: a guide

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The word flies out of her mouth before she can stop it.

No? NO? Why the heck did she say no? Marinette wants to facepalm herself. Curse her nerves. But it's too late now. As much as she wants to, she can't take it back. She's too shy. She doesn't want to look like a nervous klutz in front of Luka...which is exactly what she is. A nervous klutz.

Marinette bites her lip as she sees his kind look turn dazed and confused. She can see the words sinking in and can tell the moment they register by the way the glow in his eyes wavers. His easy grin still remains, but there's something different to it, not as natural, forced.

His eyes leave Marinette's for a moment to glance at the ground, his hands slip into the front pockets of his sweater as If he doesn't know what to do with them anymore.

"Oh, that's ok." he murmurs.

Silence. Neither of them know what to say, neither of them were expecting this. So both decide to say nothing. This lasts for a few minutes, every second making Marinette feel worse and worse. She should say something like, 'Ops, my bad, I meant to say yes' or maybe play it off as a joke. But she feels as if it's too late for some reason, and Marinette doesn't want to make a fool of herself. She should have expected herself to mess up like this.

What she isn't expecting, however, are his next words.

"Of course, you'd be busy."

Marinette frowns, her eyes zeroing in on Luka. What? Is that sass? He stands how he previously did, his head still lowered to the floor, his expression hidden from her view. Yes, she may have rejected his offer to hang out, but by no means does that mean he should get sassy with her. Luckily, Marinette could answer with some sass of her own.

Marinette drops her weight onto one hip, her hands crossing in front of her chest. She tilts her head down a fraction and raises a single eyebrow. Sass did not deserve two eyebrows.

"And what exactly do you mean by that?" Marinette snaps.

Luka then lifts his head up to look straight back at her; a soft smirk plays on his face while his eyes sparkle with a mischievous glint.

Then his eyes flicker to the sky above them, his face mocking one of disbelief.

Marinette is taken aback. First he acts sassy, now he acts surprised? What is he doing?

Lukas lip twitches into a grin as if he knows what the thoughts running through Marinette's mind are.

Luka sighs, "Me, a lame guitar guy, wanting to hang out with Marinette, the most amazing girl in all of Paris?" He shakes his head, his blue hair reflecting light as it sways softly on his head,"I am absolutely outrageous for thinking that she would give up her precious time to be with a guy like me." His eyes then find hers again, a single eyebrow rising.

So he wants to fight? Marinette never backs down from a challenge. However, she isn't exactly sure what the fight is and- wait. Luka's words sink into Marinette's head and she tenses up, her face turning warm. No Marinette, what are you doing! Your letting Luka win! Marinette tries to cool back down, but then she takes in his blue eyes again and she suddenly finds herself unable to hold his gaze. She lowers her head, her eyes looking to the floor.

"Luka, you're not-"

"But maybe," Luka interrupts, Marinette feels a soft touch on her chin lift her face up gently. Their eyes meet, hers like the sky and his like ice. "I can change her mind?"

Marinette almost doesn't hear him, all her senses are now focused on the skin below her chin that Luka is currently touching. It sends tingles running everywhere, down her spine and out her limbs. Its a quick shiver, too quick and small for Luka to notice...she hopes. Marinette! Snap out of it! Marinette is finally able to un-focus from the warmth of his fingers but then her eyes get caught somewhere else. His eyes. The blue is so big, so, so...shiny. All Marinette can do is stare into his eyes.

That is, before she notices exactly how long she has been staring.

Marinette practically yelps and launches herself backwards.

"OH! Uhh y-yeah!" Marinette wobbles, her sudden need to put much needed distance between them leads her to almost fall over again. With a racing heart she looks away, scratching at the back of her head, "I-I think that it's possible."

"How?" She hears Luka ask.

With the space between them, Marinette is able to calm her racing heart and clear her mind. She has got to control herself! She does not want to freak Luka out. But when Marinette steals a glance at him to see him carrying a relaxed stance and lazy grin, she realizes Luka doesn't seem to mind her weirdness. He waits patiently for her answer, his gaze never leaving her.

With her heart and mind back in check, Marinette gets some of her confidence back. What can Luka give her? She cant be too picky. Something simple...something sweet.

"Well..." Marinette thinks for a few seconds, then smiles, "I could spare you some time if you promise to play me a song, of my choosing of course, with," Marinette then takes a few steps forward, just enough for her to reach over Luka's shoulder and place her hand on the top of his guitar's case. "this bad boy of yours." Marinette gently taps the case with her finger.

Luka chuckles, his eyes flickering momentarily to his instrument before returning to hers.

"Marinette, if you flirt with my guitar like that he'll be too flustered to play properly."

Marinette is first taken aback by his comment, but then gets into a fit of giggles, her face warms up a notch.

"What?" Marinette takes her hand away from the guitar case to bring it over her mouth in fake shock, "You mean to say you don't compliment him?"

Luka smiles, "Well..."

Marinette gasps and runs behind Luka, hugging the guitar case to her. She felt goofy. Luka brought out that side of her. Along with her nervous and sassy side as well from the looks of it.

"You poor baby, so unappreciated." Marinette coos, her free hand gently strokes the guitar how one would a pet dog. "Well, guitar, let me just tell you that you can play my heart strings any day."

At the comment, Luka laughs, a round and full hearted laugh that squeezes Marinette's heart and rings in her ears. He turns around to face her, still trying to regain his breath. In that moment Marinette thought she has never felt so self-accomplished. She made him laugh!

"Marinette that was a terrible pun." he chuckles.

"Well, maybe you'll hear more if you agree." She giggles.

Marinette then extends her hand out towards him.

Because nothing is official unless you shake on it. Or pinkie swear...that one also works just fine.

"To restate my terms," Marinette states, "I hang out with you if you promise to play me a song of my choosing." Sounds like a fair deal to her. "Guitar guy, do we have a deal?"

Luka looks at Marinette's hand for a second. Something comes over his face for a moment, too fast for Marinette to read. Was it sadness? Fear? Regret? Shame? Was it none? Was it all?

However, she isn't able to ponder over it much because his eyes lift to meet hers head on, his cool gaze and smile freezing Marinette to her spot. She feels his hand envelop hers in a gentle grip before he lifts her hand up to his face and presses his lips gently against her fingers.

Marinette feels all the blood drain from her face as he answers her proposition.



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