a walk down memory sidewalk

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It's not every day you get kissed on the hand.

Well, at least, for Marinette it's not. So you can't really blame her when she freaks out and yanks her hand out of his, accidentally smacking Luka square in the face in the process.

Of course, of all possible people, Marinette had to hit Luka in the face. And right after he kissed her hand! UUUUUUUUgh. This must be why no one flirts with her, they don't want to end up with a black eye. This is utterly embarrassing.

Marinette nearly cries out loud, she wants to go hide or run away because this was just....oh Marinette. It always has to be her doesn't it? Not knowing what else to do, she rushes over to Luka and clutches his shoulder.

Ok Marinette. Stay cool. Calmly apologize. Try not to ramble.

Marinette takes a deep breath, but her nerves get the best of her and words start spewing out of her mouth.

"Oh my gosh I am so, so sorry! This is so embarrassing! Of course this had to happen! I am so sorry! It had nothing to do with your kiss, you can do it again-ah, I mean, I won't hit you if you do it again-WHAT, no, what I mean to say is that I flipped out and didn't mean it, I'm just so clumsy-"

Luka chuckles, cutting Marinette short and saving her from heaven knows what else she might have said. His hand goes up to massage his nose briefly and Marinette feels a pang of guilt.

"No, no, it's ok." Luka glances at Marinette, "I probably deserve that."

Deserve that? Deserve that?

"What? No you don't!" Marinette cries. She still cant get over what she did, right now it feels like she will never get over this. Who in their right mind smacks their crush in the face!

Woah. Oops. Crush. She meant to say friend. Obviously her crush is Adrien Agreste: the gorgeous green eyed blonde haired model in her class and the subject of her thoughts for far too many years.

Marinette looks over at Luka. His back is now turned to her, his head looking over his shoulder so that the few rays of light coming from the cloudy sky reflect off his icy blue eyes and frame his face with shadows beautifully. He looks astonishing. Chills run down Marinette's back.

Yes, a very good friend.

"You'll see." Luka says, his eyes dimming for a second before he gives an easy grin.

"So, funny girl," Luka gestures to the street with his head, "shall we?"

Marinette wants to ask what he meant by that, 'you'll see', what did that mean? But from the dim of his eyes she decides she will just have to wait and find out just as Luka said she would. She hopes everything is ok.

"Lets." Marinette smiles, walking up to stand besides him. Together they walk out of the alleyway and start heading...heading where?

"Where are you taking me Luka?" Marinette asks.

Luka glances down at her, the shine in his eyes returning.

"Hmmm. I'm not sure. Let's wander around a bit, see where we end up, no?"

Marinette nods her head.

Luka looks away from her to look ahead of them. His eyes zero in on something and his hand shoots out to stop her in her path.

She is about to ask what's wrong when she looks ahead herself and sees what he is looking at. At the edge of the sidewalk are a group of girls, all looking around desperately.

The group of girls from earlier! They are still looking for him.

Luka reaches behind his head and pulls his hoodie up over his hair, slips his guitar off, turns away from the crowd, and pulls Marinette in front of him. He pushes her so they are both leaning against the wall. He hides his guitar from the group's view by putting it in between them. If any one of those girls looks over, it will look like two people are having a close conversation.

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