CIRCLE 1 PLAN | Chapter 5

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The Unit of Money is Accurate


Risk diversification is a fundamental principle in asset management. Binta, like Swiss banks, has spread his substantial assets worldwide. Of course, these assets are not limited to cash. They also include stocks and physical assets. Among them, Binta has increased the proportion of physical assets, such as gold, that are considered resilient in times of crisis.

"At this rate, we will probably engage in hostilities with the United States within the next ten years."

Since meeting the retired military veteran, the weight of his words has rapidly grown within Binta. To dismiss his ominous prediction as too realistic and plausible would be unwise.

He has gradually reduced his assets in the United States to avoid drawing attention. If, by chance, there is a war with the United States, his country would undoubtedly freeze the assets of Japanese-Americans. In some cases, they might even create something like internment camps and gather Japanese-Americans there. The United States professes to be a liberal, democratic nation, but that is based on a white-centric perspective. Minato, who has endured unfounded discrimination in the United States, understands this firsthand. Moreover, sending Japanese-Americans to internment camps would have the same effect as dismantling Japan's espionage network in the United States. Depending on the President's personality, it's not an impossible scenario. Leaving such a vast amount of assets in such a country could be seen as, in a way, aiding the enemy.

While he continued to devote himself to asset management, Binta visited the Ministry of the Navy. He had offered to donate another hundred training planes, following his previous contribution, and the authorities had requested a prompt visit. At first, Binta thought he would be meeting with the head of the Accounting Bureau. However, he was directed to the Minister's office.

"Welcome. Please, have a seat," said the Minister of the Navy, Admiral Kiyokazu Abo.

The fact that the Minister of the Navy was treating a lowly ensign with such respect was unheard of in military circles. However, there was a reason for this. When the Imperial Navy had granted Binta the rank of special mission ensign in exchange for a hundred training planes, he had requested to be treated as a civilian, not a military officer. The Imperial Navy didn't want to give military officer status to someone like Binta, who had evaded the draft by paying with money, so they readily agreed to his request. Therefore, Binta's current position was not that of an ensign but more like a benefactor or patron of the Imperial Navy. Given that he was providing financial support, it was only natural for the Minister of the Navy to be courteous in his dealings with Binta.

"Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I'll get straight to the point and explain the purpose of my visit. The Imperial Navy initiated the 1st Naval Armaments Supplement Programme last year, which is commonly referred to as the Circle 1 Plan. It is an ambitious plan that includes the construction of four large cruisers. However, the budget allocated to the aviation branch for this plan is far too limited. Therefore, I am prepared to provide financial support on my side. I am considering an amount of 45 million yen."

The 1st Naval Armaments Supplement Programme, also known as the Circle 1 Plan, initiated last year, was the first shipbuilding plan in response to the London Naval Treaty. In this plan, the budget for ship construction reached nearly 250 million yen, while the budget for the aviation branch fell short by about 45 million yen. In response to this, Binta offered to donate 45 million yen from his own pocket to enhance the aviation branch of the Imperial Navy. In other words, this would mean a 100% increase in the budget for the aviation branch within the Circle 1 Plan.

It was not surprising that Binta was aware of the contents of the Circle 1 Plan. Since the Imperial Navy's budget requires approval from the Diet, quite a few individuals would be aware of its contents, and even hypothetical enemy nations like the United States and the United Kingdom would likely have knowledge of it.

"I appreciate your generous offer. As the Minister of the Navy, I thank you. By the way, may I ask if you, Satsutaba-san, are an advocate of naval aviation in the Navy? Last time, you provided funds for training planes, and now you're offering to cover the procurement costs for frontline aircraft. All your support is related to aviation."

As the Minister of the Navy expressed gratitude but also raised a questioning expression, Binta paused for a moment before responding.

"Personally, I'm not particularly interested in doctrines like the big gun versus air power debacle. If asked which is stronger between battleships and airplanes, I can only say that the stronger one is stronger. However, in the short term, the dominance of airplanes won't change. This is because the development of anti-aircraft control systems has not caught up with the progress of aircraft. But I can't say with certainty whether this will still be the case in twenty or thirty years. Nevertheless, for at least the next ten years, it's undeniable that the era of airplanes being stronger will continue. That's why we must strengthen the aviation branch. That's the essence of it."

Perhaps the Minister of the Navy had concerns about Binta favoring aviation too much. Binta had heard that there were factions within the Imperial Navy, including those supporting gunnery, torpedo warfare, and even the advocates of dreadnoughts, apart from aviators. Focusing all support on aviators might not be pleasing to the other factions. Binta's actions might, in a sense, disrupt the harmony within the Imperial Navy. When he thought this, he voiced his intention further.

"I will also donate an additional 100 million yen to the ship construction budget."

The Navy Minister was shocked at Binta's words. In this era, with 100 million yen, you could build a battleship and still have change left over. However, from Binta's perspective, it wasn't that much of an amount. Nonetheless, the Minister of the Navy's unusual reaction made Binta worry whether he had misspoken or conveyed the wrong unit. Therefore, he emphasized his words.

"Um, I meant 100 million yen, not dollars. Please make sure not to mistake that, okay?"

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