CIRCLE 3 PLAN | Chapter 13

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Money and Battleships


The 3rd Naval Armaments Supplement Programme was the first shipbuilding plan after the withdrawal from the disarmament negotiations. In connection with the Circle 3 Plan, as it is commonly called, Binta Satsutaba was invited to visit the Navy Ministry. By the way, Binta was promoted from Special Mission Sub-Lieutenant to Special Mission Lieutenant due to his economic contributions to the Circle 2 Plan. He was politely welcomed as soon as he arrived and was taken directly to the minister's office. There, Vice Admiral Mitsumasa Yonai, who had recently become the Minister, and Vice Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, his Vice-Minister, were waiting. As for Minister Yonai, it has been decided that he will soon be promoted from Vice Admiral to Admiral.

"I apologize for calling you in when you must be very busy."

While apologizing, Minister Yonai offered Binta a sofa. It would be unthinkable in other countries for the Navy Minister to adopt such a humble attitude in front of a Special Mission Lieutenant with an Admiral just before him.

"I'm sure you're busy as well. May I inquire about what can I do for you?"

Implicitly, Binta's proposal or consideration was to dispense with unnecessary formalities. Of course, Minister Yonai, who was very busy, had no objection.

"Have you heard about the Circle 3 Plan?"

Minister Yonai immediately delved into the main topic, to which Binta nodded slightly.

"I've already reviewed the documents you provided in advance. Is there something more? It's not a big deal to show such important classified information to a Special Mission Lieutenant like me?"

"We will have to discuss this matter with the Diet sooner or later. And since the contents of the report will be changed a lot by your involvement, it is not a big deal in that sense either."

Binta couldn't quite grasp whether the Minister's personality was aloof or inscrutable. While holding such a first impression of Minister Yonai, Binta awaited his next words.

"By the way, what do you think of the current world situation?"

Binta was concerned that the Minister would directly ask him about money. Having been preparing himself for that, Binta was a bit taken aback. However, that might be Minister Yonai's way of doing things. Before getting into the main topic, he might be trying to gauge the extent of Binta's knowledge.

"Europe seems to be in turmoil. Following the Second Ethiopian War, there was the German occupation of the Rhineland, and there was also the Spanish Civil War. Japan is also in a skirmish on the continent, so this chaotic situation won't be easily resolved. Perhaps, in the near future, these events may be interconnected, leading to a full-blown world war."

He said it as if it were someone else's problem, but Binta was making the most of this opportunity. Wars and conflicts between nations are a tragedy for humanity. However, they provide the best opportunities for low-risk, high-reward financial gains. Even in the stock market, a little study reveals how assets will rise and fall in the event of a war. Binta was also diligently working to expand his wealth during this opportunity. To an outside observer, his behavior might seem like profiting from others' misfortune, but there is no such thing as economic activity that makes everyone in the world happy. Therefore, Binta has come to terms with it.

"World war?" Minister Yonai muttered quietly.

However, he didn't ask for further details. Perhaps he judged that it would be a waste of time to delve deeper into a mere possibility. After a short silence, the Minister raised the main topic in the form of a question.

"How do you feel about the Circle 3 Plan?"

In response to Minister Yonai's question, Binta quickly presented his thoughts.

"It doesn't make any sense at all. The budget for ship construction is over 800 million yen, while that for naval aviation is just over 75 million yen. We should stop building battleships and allocate that budget to naval aviation. That would make the Imperial Navy much stronger."

Binta abruptly dismissed the ambitious plan created by the Imperial Navy's talents. Minister Yonai chuckled at Binta's straightforward assessment, while Vice Admiral Yamamoto nodded in agreement.

"Actually, what I would like to ask you, Satsutaba-san, is about the budget for those battleships."

Binta was taken aback by Minister Yonai's unexpected request but composed himself and waited for the continuation of the conversation.

"In the Circle 3 Plan, there are two battleships scheduled for construction. The budget request amount is 98 million yen, but the actual construction cost is estimated to exceed 130 million yen. Furthermore, the Imperial Navy wishes to build three of them."

An additional 30 million yen per ship was needed. If another ship was added, the total required or shortfall could reach 200 million yen. And if the battleships built for 98 million yen were of standard size, there was no doubt that the 130-million-yen battleships would be considerably larger. Binta couldn't help but look at Minister Yonai with astonishment. However, Minister Yonai continued to explain without showing any sign of displeasure.

"It's improper to ask for money without providing details. Now, I hope you'll keep this information confidential, but the Imperial Navy plans to build 64.000-ton battleships armed with 46-centimeter guns. With such massive ships, the number of available construction and repair facilities becomes limited. Therefore, these three ships will be built in the shipyards at Yokosuka, Kure, and Sasebo. Each of these three facilities has dry docks exceeding 300 meters in length, which makes it possible to construct such battleships. Also, regarding these shipyards in Yokosuka and Sasebo, I am aware of your generous contributions to their establishment."

Binta remembered the shipyards in Yokosuka and Sasebo. During discussions with the then-Navy Minister Kiyokazu Abo, he offered financial support when he learned about the country's inadequate construction and repair facilities.

'Constructing the shipyards in Yokosuka and Sasebo was done with the intent of benefiting the nation's defense and economy, but it seems to have backfired.'

For 64.000-ton battleships, a significant number of personnel would be required to operate them. Managing such financial and personnel-intensive ventures, especially with three of them, was seemingly impossible.

'Now, what should I do?'

Binta pondered while regretting his past actions. The conclusion was quickly reached.

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