Chapter 41 - Limitations of Flesh Attack

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The objective remained unchanged.

The second attack group launched from the 2nd Air Fleet is targeting mobile units referred to as A-1 and A-2. However, both A-1 and A-2 have already suffered significant damage from the first attack group. The core force aircraft carriers have been completely destroyed, and many of the escort destroyers have been defeated. Therefore, the primary targets for the second attack group are the cruisers.

On the other hand, the second attack group launched from the 3rd Air Fleet is targeting a surface striking force called B-2. In contrast to A-1 and A-2, this force is still unscathed. Its composition includes two battleships, two cruisers, and eight destroyers. Two cruisers are positioned in the center, followed by two battleships, forming a single-column formation. Furthermore, four destroyers on each side reinforce this formation.

Commander of the second attack group assigned to B-2, and also the leader of the Zuikaku carrier attack squadron, Lieutenant Commander Shimazaki, evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of both sides. Their force includes 36 bombers with 250-kilogram bombs and 36 torpedo bombers carrying Type 91 aerial torpedoes. These 72 Type 0 attackers were all the cards Shimazaki had in his hand.

In fact, they also have 36 Zero fighter aircraft. However, these fighters are not equipped with bombs. They were deployed as pure fighter aircraft, not as attackers, because they expected to engage in combat with Oahu's fighter force. Therefore, they couldn't rely on these fighter aircraft for anti-ship attacks.

And indeed, there were American fighters in the vicinity of B-2. However, the number was unexpectedly small, only a dozen or so. It's possible that the prior fighter sweep by the 1st Air Fleet had been more effective than they had anticipated. In any case, due to their small number, the American fighter units were easily repelled by the Zero fighters, allowing the attackers to approach their targets without any losses.

"Designating targets. Shōkaku bombers to the first enemy cruiser, Zuikaku bombers to the second ship. Kamikaku bombers to the destroyers on the left flank, and Amakaku bombers to the destroyers on the right flank. Shōkaku and Zuikaku torpedo units to the first battleship, and Kamikaku and Amakaku torpedo units to the second battleship. Shōkaku and Kamikaku torpedo units will attack from the port side, while Zuikaku and Amakaku torpedo units will attack from the starboard side. The order of attack will be Kamikaku and Amakaku bombers first, then Shōkaku and Zuikaku bombers, followed by the torpedo units making the entry."

Following Lieutenant Commander Murata's orders, the 72 Type 0 attackers dispersed towards their respective targets. First, the Kamikaku and Amakaku bombing squadrons separated into smaller units, each pointing their noses towards the enemy destroyers. On the other hand, the targeted destroyers launched incendiary rounds from their dual-purpose guns to deter the approaching bombers. In an effort to ward them off, they also unleashed a barrage of machine guns and anti-aircraft fire. Despite being in a formation that was unsuitable for anti-air combat (a single-column formation) and positioned in an exposed, hard-to-support position on the outer edges, both the Kamikaku and Amakaku bombing squadrons each lost one aircraft.

However, the surviving 16 Type 0 attackers, as if seeking revenge for their comrades, released a total of sixty-four 250-kilogram towards the six destroyers. Of these, only six bombs scored direct hits, with a hit rate of less than 10%. However, for destroyers with little to no armor, taking a 250 kg bomb, which is heavier than the main shells of heavy cruisers, is far from being a trivial matter. The five destroyers hit directly having their speed greatly reduced. Unluckily, the two destroyers struck by two bombs each come to a halt on the sea, emitting thick smoke. Even a near miss can cause damage to thinly armored destroyers. In fact, multiple near misses have caused serious damage to the American destroyers, piercing cracks and holes below the waterline.

Having lost their escorts on both sides due to the attacks from the Kamikaku and Amakaku bombing squadrons, the cruisers now face a low-altitude bombing attack from the Shōkaku and Zuikaku bombing squadrons. The number of incendiary shells spewing from the enemy cruisers far exceeded that of the destroyers. The Shōkaku unit lost two planes, and the Zuikaku unit, targeting the second ship that could receive firepower support from the rear ships, lost three aircraft before or after dropping their bombs.

However, the American cruisers, facing an onslaught from three times the number of attackers compared to the destroyers, didn't emerge unscathed. Both American cruisers were bombarded with nearly sixty 250 kg bombs in total, with four striking the first ship and three hitting the third ship. Neither ship is fortunate enough to have the bombs miss their vital areas. At the very least, one bomb had penetrated the engine room.

To avoid the cruisers, which were emitting smoke and gradually slowing down, the two American battleships changed their course. With no protective escort vessels left to cover the two American battleships, a threat was imminent as 36 torpedo bombers approached.

The anti-aircraft barrage, especially the DP gunfire from the American battleships, was incomparably more intense than that from cruisers and destroyers. Furthermore, the larger size of the battleships means less influence from the waves, resulting in higher hit accuracy. Even though the machine guns and cannons had not yet opened fire, the torpedo bomber squadron had already sustained over 10% casualties.

'We'll get hit until we drop the torpedoes.'

After the high-angle guns, the machine guns and cannons on the American battleships opened fire. In response, Shimazaki, who now has only seven wingmen, led them toward the prime firing position. The battleships, with large main turrets at the bow and one at the stern, were trying to orient their bows towards them. This maneuver is not favorable for the Zuikaku torpedo squadron, but from the perspective of the Shōkaku torpedo squadron, approaching from the opposite direction, it's a blessing. Shimazaki adjusted his heading to align with the ideal firing position, slightly veering left and then immediately right. The anti-aircraft fire from the American battleships remained intense, but the accuracy suffered when they attempted to shoot while turning. For now, only one plane had been shot down.


While not pinpoint accuracy, the Zuikaku torpedo squadron still dropped their torpedoes from a reasonably good position one after another. Once the heavy torpedoes are released, all that's left is to escape. The Type 0 attackers attempted to make their escape at the lowest possible altitude. However, due to approaching the enemy too closely, the fifth and seventh aircraft are ensnared by enemy bullets successively. As Shimazaki desperately tried to evade the pursuing bullets, he received a report from his rear crew member, shouting frantically in his ear.

"Water columns on the port side of the targeted battleship! Another one, and another. Water columns on the starboard side too!"

Out of the 18 Type 0 attackers that conducted torpedo attacks, four of them achieved hits. While it might lead to the sinking of an older battleship, the chances are slim for a modern battleship with strong torpedo defenses.

On the other hand, the damage on their side was enormous. Shimazaki's Zuikaku torpedo squadron suffered a significant blow, with one-third of their forces lost. All of those were aircraft piloted by irreplaceable seasoned veterans. It's likely that the Shōkaku torpedo squadron, Kamikaku torpedo squadron, and Amakaku torpedo squadron faced a similar situation.

'No longer effective to conduct close-range torpedo attacks, except against weak enemies like merchant ships.'

Shimazaki understood that it was thanks to the bulletproof modifications made to the Type 0 attackers that they sustained only this level of damage. If they had been using the less protected Type 97 carrier attack bombers, the torpedo squadrons would have undoubtedly suffered devastating losses.

The second attack group from the 3rd Air Fleet had managed to destroy nine out of the twelve targeted ships. It's not an exaggeration to call this a significant achievement. However, Shimazaki couldn't simply rejoice in it.

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