Chapter 14 - Money and Aircraft Carriers

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Door in the Face.

To get your main request granted, start by making an exaggerated dummy request. If the other party declines, follow up with a smaller main request. This technique is widely used in the economic world, in which Binta primarily operates. Mainly by those with cunning. So, Minister Yonai's huge request of 200 million yen was probably a budget shortfall of more than 60 million yen, excluding the cost of building one ship, which was probably his main request.

Could you give me 200 million yen?

No, it's not possible.

Well, how about 60 million yen?

Hmm, if it's about that much, I can manage.

Well, something like that.

'If that's the case, should I go along with it?'

While thinking like that, Binta decided to add a twist to it.

"I'll decline your request for assistance with the construction cost of the third battleship. However, we can provide the necessary funds for the two battleships included in the Circle 3 Plan, as you requested."

The response from Binta was probably within their expectations. Minister Yonai expressed his gratitude to Binta with a smile.

"Also, I will provide the funds to build two more aircraft carriers. With 80 million yen for each aircraft carrier, when combined with the battleship assistance, it will amount to 220 million yen. If we pay this much, I am sure that the Imperial Navy will never accuse Satsutaba of being stingy."

The Imperial Navy requested 200 million yen for battleship construction costs, but Binta disagreed and offered a significantly larger amount in a different form. Minister Yonai expressed his gratitude to Binta, while Vice-Minister Yamamoto was astonished.

"If, for instance, we were to build two battleships and two aircraft carriers under the Circle 3 Plan, the Imperial Navy would have a total of 12 battleships and six aircraft carriers. Regarding the aircraft carriers, we have Akagi and Kaga, along with two under construction in the Circle 2 Plan. There are also Hōshō and Ryūjō, but they are too small to be counted as a significant force. In any case, the number of aircraft carriers is currently far too small. Furthermore, speaking personally, I would even prefer not to build battleships and allocate all those resources to aircraft carriers. If you decide to build aircraft carriers without battleships, I'm willing to cover the entire construction cost."

Binta's extreme focus on aircraft carriers prompted Yonai to turn his attention to Vice-Minister Yamamoto. He was probably looking for ideas on how to deal with the situation.

"Personally, I think Satsutaba-san's proposal is excellent. As Satsutaba-san's suggests, apart from Akagi, Kaga, and two under construction in the Circle 2 Plan, the Imperial Navy only has small-sized aircraft carriers. With this level of firepower, even if we were to confront the Pacific Fleet's aircraft carrier group, we would be at a considerable disadvantage at best. However, considering the faction dynamics within the Imperial Navy, it's likely impossible to halt battleship construction."

The US Navy has two large aircraft carriers, the Lexington and Saratoga, and a medium-sized carrier Ranger. Additionally, the US Navy is currently constructing three medium-sized aircraft carriers, with two of them being 19.800 tons, and the remaining one 14.500 tons, as mandated by disarmament treaties. It's unclear how formidable these three carriers are, but they undoubtedly pose a significant threat to the Imperial Navy. This threat is also the cause of concern for Vice-Admiral Yamamoto. He went on to speak.

"The United States Navy always outpaces the Imperial Navy in terms of the number of aircraft carriers. That's why, with the Circle 3 Plan, we want to catch up and, if possible, surpass them. Currently, Japan's shipbuilding and repair facilities have the capability to make that possible."

Facilities capable of constructing large vessels such as battleships and aircraft carriers are located at the Yokosuka Arsenal's dry docks and slips, as well as at the Kure Arsenal and Sasebo Arsenal's slips. In addition, there are private shipyards in Kobe and Nagasaki, making a total of six locations. Among these, battleships will be built at Kure and Sasebo's slipways, leaving four other locations available. In other words, if the budget allows, it is possible to simultaneously construct four new aircraft carriers. Moreover, the biggest hurdle, which is money, has also been cleared since Binta gave his approval.

Vice-Admiral Yamamoto enthusiastically accepted his generous offer, but Minister Yonai seemed to be lost in thought. In such cases, rushing things may not yield good results, so Binta decided to wait for Minister Yonai's thoughts to come together.

"As for adding two aircraft carriers, in this case, Yamamoto could be subjected to baseless rumors that he went against the intentions of the Imperial Navy and recommended aircraft carrier construction to you, Satsutaba-san, as he is seen as the ringleader of the aircraft builders."

At the moment, only a few individuals know that Minister Yonai and Binta were having this discussion. However, if ship construction under the Circle 3 Plan is put into action, it should become common knowledge among the upper echelons of the Imperial Navy that more aircraft carriers are being added, likely with Binta's economic support included. The mainstream within the Imperial Navy's upper echelons are the gunnery specialists, and Minister Yonai was concerned about the lowlifes among them making unwarranted speculations.

"No, there's absolutely no problem. If anything, I'd rather be the villain to spare Satsutaba-san from unnecessary blame. Besides, considering the addition of two more aircraft carriers, my bad reputation is a small price to pay."

As Vice-Minister Yamamoto spoke with a laugh, Binta wondered if there's anything he could do to help. It was Binta himself who suggested increasing the number of aircraft carriers, not Vice-Minister Yamamoto. No matter how much money he provided, he wanted to avoid putting others in a difficult position as much as possible. However, he couldn't think of any good ideas, so he decided to ask Vice-Minister Yamamoto directly.

"To avoid damaging your reputation, is there anything I can do?" With a sponsor's role, but an apologetic demeanor, Binta asked, and Vice-Minister Yamamoto chuckled and shook his head slightly.

"There's nothing in particular you can do. And Satsutaba-san, you don't need to worry about it. The ones at fault are the gunnery faction who can't read the trends of the times. But, well, taking 220 million yen and then asking for more might seem quite audacious, but if possible, it would be appreciated if you could provide the procurement cost for the carrier-based aircraft to be stationed on the four new aircraft carriers. After all, without airplanes, aircraft carriers are just empty boxes."

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