Chapter 26 - Type 0 Attacker

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As soon as they reached the expected combat area, Vice Admiral Jinichi Kusaka, the Commander of the 3rd Air Fleet, deployed a reconnaissance mission with 24 Type 0 attackers in two waves, each consisting of 6 aircraft, drawn from the carriers Shōkaku, Zuikaku, Kamikaku, and Amakaku.

At this point, the Combined Fleet had Vice Admiral Shirō Takasu leading the First Fleet in the vanguard, the 3rd Air Fleet in the rear, and Vice Admiral Jisaburō Ozawa commanding the 2nd Air Fleet as the rear guard. The First Fleet had the battleship Nagato as its flagship, the 2nd Air Fleet had Hiryū, and the 3rd Air Fleet had Shōkaku. Overall command was in the hands of Vice Admiral Takasu, while Vice Admiral Ozawa took responsibility for the aerial combat. Vice Admiral Ozawa of the 2nd Air Fleet and Vice Admiral Kusaka of the 3rd Air Fleet were classmates in the Naval College and both had experience as commanders of the 1st Carrier Division.

"Twenty-four planes for reconnaissance, that's quite generous," commented Chief of Staff Yamada, who had previously served as the captain of Sōryū and Kaga. If it was the Sōryū, as much as 40% of its planes were deployed to search for the enemy fleet.

"Indeed, when you combine the 2nd and 3rd Air Fleets, we have over 600 operational aircraft. 24 planes, even if they're important, don't make up even 4% of the total. Moreover, this time we know for sure that the Pacific Fleet is present, and we have a fairly good idea of their approximate location. So this should suffice. If we were dealing with an unknown adversary, we would likely need even more reconnaissance aircraft."

Listening to Kusaka's words, Chief of Staff Yamada again marveled at the vastness of the Pacific. Indeed, in such a vast expanse of ocean, and especially when dealing with an unknown enemy, even twice the number of reconnaissance aircraft might not be enough.

While pondering these thoughts, Chief of Staff Yamada thought about the aircraft sent out for reconnaissance. These were the Type 0 attackers, with each Shōkaku-class aircraft carrier carrying 42 of them. The Type 0 was based on the Type 97 carrier attack bomber (Nakajima B5N), with the engine replaced from the Sakae to the Kasei. The Kasei engine had more than 50% greater displacement than the Sakae and produced 1.700 horsepower thanks to its greater torque. In this era, designing an engine capable of over 40 horsepower per liter was a significant achievement. This was primarily due to the Kasei being designed with the assumption of using 100-octane gasoline. If it had been designed for the conventional 92-octane specification, it would likely have topped out at around 1.500 horsepower, no matter how hard they tried.

The Type 0 had significantly increased its weight by enhancing its ballistic protection, weaponry, and strengthening various parts of the aircraft which had been pointed out as poor in Type 97. However, the 1.700-horsepower output more than compensated for this, resulting in a top speed over 70 kilometers per hour faster. With a bomb load of around 1.000 kilograms, it was more than sufficient for operational use. Furthermore, the release mechanisms were also designed with an eye toward the completion of radio-guided rocket-boosted bombs. This meant that, even with conventional bombs, if they were 25-kilogram bombs, they could carry up to four of them, or fifteen if they were six-kilogram bombs, including the hardpoints under the wings. On the other hand, the emphasis on improved ballistic protection and prioritizing crew survivability greatly relaxed the extended range requirements that were originally demanded during development.

Two hours after the Type 0 attackers were dispatched for reconnaissance, aircraft that seemed to have taken off from an American aircraft carrier appeared above the First Fleet. All were filled with anxiety due to allowing the enemy to make the first sighting. However, that anxiety was short-lived. Reports regarding the enemy's situation kept pouring in from the reconnaissance mission.

"Detected a surface strike force consisting of eight battleships, four cruisers, and dozens of destroyers."

"Sighted a mobile task force including one aircraft carrier and numerous escorts."

"Located a mobile task force with one aircraft carrier and nearly ten escorts."

"Found a fleet consisting of one aircraft carrier, three heavy cruisers, and six destroyers."

The relief of having found the enemy to engage and the tension of the imminent battle with the enemy's mobile task force mixed in the air on the bridge of the Shōkaku. Kusaka did not issue any orders; the complete authority for aerial combat was entrusted to Ozawa, the commander of the 2nd Air Fleet. They waited for a moment, and the formal orders would come from Ozawa.

"Have the 2nd and 3rd Air Fleets ready for the first attack group targeting the mobile task forces. For the second wave, the 2nd Air Fleet will be targeting the mobile task force and the 3rd Air Fleet will be targeting the surface strike force. If there is a fourth mobile task force, the 3rd Air Fleet's second attack group shall change target to that task force."

Kusaka glanced at Yamada. Although he didn't express it in words, his gaze questioned whether Chief of Staff Yamada had any objections to Vice Admiral Ozawa.

"I have no objections to Vice Admiral Ozawa's plan. Let's launch the attack squadrons immediately."

With Yamada's enthusiastic response, Kusaka nodded quietly. Then, he issued the orders.

"Launch the first attack group immediately. Their target is the enemy's mobile task forces. After the first attack group has launched, send out the second attack group. Their target is the surface strike force. The attack targets and methods are left to the squadron commanders."

With Kusaka's command, the four Shōkaku-class aircraft carriers began to accelerate, turning their bows into the wind. The first attack group consisted of 108 aircraft, including nine Zeros and eighteen Type 0 attackers from each of the four Shōkaku-class carriers. Half of the Type 0 attackers carried four 250-kilogram bombs, while the other half carried torpedoes. The composition of the second wave of attack squadrons was the same as the first, consisting of 36 Zeros and 72 Type 0 attackers.

Around the same time, the 2nd Air Fleet also sent out its attack squadrons. From Hiryū and Sōryū, as well as three Unryū-class aircraft carriers, a total of 135 aircraft, including nine Zeros and eighteen Type 0 attackers from each were launched as the first attack group. The second attack group was comprised of 120 aircraft, with six Zeros and eighteen Type 0 attackers from each of the five carriers. Both the first and second attack groups had the destruction of the enemy's mobile task force as their primary objective.

"It's beginning," Vice Admiral Kusaka murmured quietly. Both the Japanese and American mobile task forces had found their worthy adversaries and sent out their striking fists, in the form of the attack squadrons. The unfolding of events from this point on was uncertain, even for Kusaka. After all, humanity had never experienced a battle between mobile task forces like this before.

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