Chapter 29 - Onslaught, 3rd Air Fleet

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The second attack group leader and Zuikaku carrier attack bomber unit leader, Lieutenant Commander Shimazaki, confirmed the composition of the surface strike force below. In the center, there is a single-column formation consisting of eight battleships and four cruisers. On the left and right, eight destroyers each form a single-column formation in the same way. Since the length of the cruisers is almost the same as that of battleships, they are likely heavy cruisers or possibly of the Brooklyn-class light cruisers. As for the second attack group, the 2nd Air Fleet targeted the final mobile task force, and Shimazaki led the 3rd Air Fleet, which targeted the surface strike force.

"I'm issuing the command. Bomber units, attack the enemy cruisers. Shōkaku squadron, first ship; Zuikaku squadron, second ship; Kamikaku squadron, third ship; Amakaku squadron, fourth ship. Torpedo squadrons, target the battleships. Shōkaku and Zuikaku, seventh ship; Kamikaku and Amakaku, eighth ship. Shōkaku and Kamikaku squadrons attack from the port side, and Zuikaku and Amakaku squadrons attack from the starboard side."

Shimazaki initially hesitated a bit about whether to make the enemy destroyers or cruisers the attack target for the bomber squadrons. To minimize friendly casualties, it would be better to target the destroyers. This is because there is a vast difference in the number of anti-aircraft weapons they carry between cruisers and destroyers. However, he thought that if he were a member of the bomber squadron, he would definitely want to target the cruisers. So, he assigned the task of destroying the cruisers to the bomber squadrons.

The first to lead the attack were neither the bomber squadrons nor the torpedo squadrons but the fighter squadrons. 36 Zero fighters split into squadrons, with half of them continuing their aerial vigilance and the remaining half initiating gunfire on the American destroyers deployed to the left and right. Presumably, unlike other Zero squadrons heading for the American task force, they did not expect to engage in combat with American fighters. So, at the very least, they took the opportunity to attack the American destroyers to relieve their frustration.

However, Shimazaki had a crucial task at hand. He had to lead his subordinates to the right side of the enemy's seventh ship and into the guaranteed kill zone.

The bullets shooting from the targeted American battleship were more intense than he had imagined. High-explosive shells burst nearby, and the unpleasant sound of fragments hitting the aircraft continued incessantly. The Type 0 attackers, with their sturdy construction and robust protective armor, barely withstood the impact. Had they been Type 96 (Yokosuka B4Y) or Type 97 (Nakajima B5N) carrier attack bombers, they might have been shot down due to the accumulation of damage exceeding their structural limits.

'Trading endurance for better protection was the right decision.'

He didn't know who this person was. But if they're involved in naval aviation, everyone knows them. They are willing to spend money, but they also make demands. They emphasize the importance of crew protection, even though they don't seem to have that consciousness themselves. They believe that the stronger side, whether it's a battleship or an airplane, will win.

While offering silent thanks to that person, Lieutenant Commander Shimazaki closed in on the enemy's seventh ship. Within the dense barrage, it could be considered a miracle that none of their planes had been shot down so far. However, it was easy to imagine that the aircraft was suffering from damage due to enemy fire.


As he reached the guaranteed hit zone, Shimazaki dropped his torpedoes with a resolute spirit. The nearly one-ton heavy torpedoes had disappeared, and to keep the aircraft afloat, he pushed the control stick down to maintain an ultra-low altitude. If the altitude increased even slightly, they would quickly become easy targets.

Right after dodging the enemy's seventh ship's bow, Shimazaki perceived an explosion in the rear. He didn't know who it was, but they were likely caught in enemy anti-aircraft fire and shot down. While mourning the loss of his subordinates, Shimazaki desperately attempted to escape. Bullets from the right and left relentlessly pursued him, but he just managed to evade the death traps.

Finally escaping the enemy's anti-aircraft fire range, Shimazaki breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, a joyful report came from his rear-seat subordinate.

"Water columns on the starboard side of the enemy's seventh ship! And one more, two more. Water columns on the port side too! And one more, two more!"

It seemed that the Zuikaku and Shōkaku squadrons had successfully hit the enemy's seventh ship with six torpedoes. While it might be inconclusive for new battleships, it would likely be a fatal blow for older models.

While considering this, the bomber squadron commander received a report on the results from the Kamikaku attacker squadron leader.

"Bomber squadron attacks completed. All four heavy cruisers and Brooklyn-class light cruisers sunk. One ship in a massive fire is now stopped on the open sea."

"The enemy's eighth ship hit by five torpedoes, sinking imminent."

The second attack group of the 3rd Air Fleet had sunk two battleships and destroyed four large cruisers. There were no reports on the damage or casualties caused by the Zero fighters that attacked the destroyers, but they must have inflicted significant damage with their 20 mm ammunition.

Thinking about these results, Shimazaki reviewed the achievements of both the 2nd and 3rd Air Fleets so far.

The first attack group included 45 Zero fighters and 90 Type 0 attackers from the 2nd Air Fleet. The 3rd Air Fleet contributed 36 Zero fighters and 72 Type 0 attackers. The second attack group from the 2nd Air Fleet included 30 Zero fighters and 90 Type 0 attackers, and the 3rd Air Fleet contributed 36 Zero fighters and 72 Type 0 attackers.

In terms of results, the 2nd Air Fleet's first attack group had sunk one aircraft carrier and three cruisers, and destroyed six destroyers. The 3rd Air Fleet had sunk one aircraft carrier and two cruisers, and destroyed one cruiser and six destroyers. As for their own achievements, they had already sunk two battleships and destroyed four cruisers. The results of the 2nd Air Fleet's second attack group were unknown, but with their seasoned skills, they should have achieved at least the same level of success as the first attack group.

'The American task force is in shambles, and the American surface strike force has lost 25 percent of its main firepower.'

With this in mind, it was safe to say that the American plan to capture the Marshall Islands had been completely thwarted. On the contrary, from their perspective, they had achieved the minimum strategic goal of defending the Marshall Islands.

'What are the higher-ups thinking? Will they capitalize on their advantage and expand their achievements, or will they be cautious and avoid overextending themselves?'

Lieutenant Commander Shimazaki considered this briefly and then forced himself to stop thinking. He believed it was futile for a lieutenant commander like him to agonize over such matters.

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