Chapter 15 - Money and the Mobile Force

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"Then, let's offer an additional 50 million yen. With this much, we should be able to purchase at least 300 single-engine carrier-based aircraft."

Binta easily responded to Vice-Minister Yamamoto's request and asked, "You don't have to answer if it's about military aircraft, but how does the Imperial Navy plan to use the aircraft carriers?"

In response to Binta's question, Vice-Minister Yamamoto turned his gaze towards Minister Yonai. It seemed like a confirmation to proceed with the discussion. Minister Yonai, understanding his intention, nodded discreetly.

"Akagi and Kaga are part of the decisive gunnery battle force, the First Fleet. As for the two carriers being constructed under the Circle 2 Plan, they are intended for deployment in the night battle force, the Second Fleet. Also, the carriers to be built under the Circle 3 Plan will likely follow a similar arrangement."

Upon hearing Vice Minister Yamamoto's explanation, Binta contemplated the situation. It appeared that the Imperial Navy considered regular aircraft carriers as support for battleships and heavy cruisers. The expected roles were for air defense, reconnaissance, or potentially defeating enemy aircraft carriers of the same class.

However, Binta believed that regular aircraft carriers, unlike light carriers, should be the main focus and play a leading role. Even now, it was undeniable that regular aircraft carriers would emerge victorious in a one-on-one battle against battleships. Therefore, he decided to present his thoughts.

"Why don't we create a new fleet centered around aircraft carriers? Akagi, Kaga, and the two carriers from the Circle 2 Plan can form one fleet, and with four carriers from the Circle 3 Plan, we can create another. These units will have destroyer escorts and will be organized as mobile task forces with aircraft as the main firepower. To fully utilize the capabilities of aircraft carriers, they should be separated from gunnery or night battle forces. Using them solely as escorts for battleships and heavy cruisers would be a waste of their potential."

Binta's proposal was to establish a strike force based on multiple aircraft carriers and make it the primary force of the Imperial Navy. It closely aligned with Vice-Minister Yamamoto's long-held vision of using carrier-based aircraft to annihilate the Pacific Fleet. What was preventing this from happening was primarily the financial constraints and factional politics.

"I also think that's a good idea. However, the gunnery and torpedo factions will likely be reluctant to release control over their aircraft carriers," Vice-Minister Yamamoto complained indirectly, implying that the influence of the aviation faction did not match that of the gunnery and torpedo factions.

From the perspective of the gunnery and torpedo factions, aircraft carriers were undoubtedly a valuable ship class, and Binta could understand their reluctance to part with them. However, keeping regular aircraft carriers in such roles would be a considerable waste and loss.

"Why not assign the Hōshō to the First Fleet and the Ryūjō to the Second Fleet? At least for fleet air defense and anti-submarine patrol duties, these two should be more than capable."

"It's a matter of quantity. Both the First Fleet and the Second Fleet would like to maintain at least one squadron of fighters on continuous combat air patrol during the day. Even if we rotate them three times, we would need 27 fighters. Additionally, we require at least 12 fighters for reconnaissance and observation tasks. Single ships can't meet these requirements; it's only the regular aircraft carriers that can. On the other hand, if they were light carriers, each fleet would need at least two."

The senior officers of the Imperial Navy recognized aircraft as a potential threat, which was why they felt the need for combat air patrols in both the First Fleet and the Second Fleet. Binta couldn't help but agree with this.

"In that case, for the mobile task forces, we have no choice but to reduce the number of carriers from four to three per fleet."

Binta spoke with a resigned tone, but Vice-Minister Yamamoto had some intriguing information to share with him.

"As this concerns military matters, I'd like to keep it confidential, but in fact, the submarine tender Taigei and the two tankers under construction in the Circle 2 Plan have been designed in a way that allows them to be converted into aircraft carriers in a short time during wartime."

Upon hearing Vice-Minister Yamamoto's words, Binta recalled the treaty-limited ships from the Circle 2 Plan. In addition to three seaplane tenders, the plan included one repair ship and two tankers. Vice-Minister Yamamoto was likely referring to the two tankers.

"If we were to convert these three into aircraft carriers and then offer them to the First Fleet and Second Fleet, theoretically, all regular aircraft carriers could escape the influence of the gunnery and torpedo factions. What do you think of this proposal?"

Even though they were light carriers, having two of them would allow for the operation of 50 to 60 aircraft, which should not pose a significant problem.

"That should be fine. The gunnery and torpedo factions are unlikely to change their traditional stance out of regret for losing regular aircraft carriers."

Vice-Minister Yamamoto probably wanted to say that the officers of the Imperial Navy were not so debased as to act that way. However, Binta remained skeptical about this. But this wasn't the main point of discussion. There was something more critical to prioritize.

"Then, I will bear the full cost of converting the Taigei and the two tankers into aircraft carriers. I won't be frugal with money, just as I was with Akagi and Kaga. Please spend generously on their superstructures and engines as well."

Even though they were medium-sized ships of around 10.000 tons, converting them into aircraft carriers was expected to cost a significant sum, especially for three ships, which would likely amount to tens of millions of yen.

"Are you really sure about this?"

Considering the amount involved, Vice-Minister Yamamoto was understandably cautious.

Binta responded with a smirk, "It's fine. If it's proven that aircraft are more potent than battleships, then at that point, we can simply take these three ships away from the First Fleet and the Second Fleet and add them to the mobile task forces. In such a situation, the gunnery and torpedo factions won't be able to say no."

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